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Hey everybody although I'm new to the boards, I've been reading the discussions for about a year. I just turned 21 recently , and around this past March I decided to join a gym, and I really wanted to gain as much muscle as I could somewhat cleanly .
Here are my basic stats:
age: 21
sex: male
weight: 210 lbs.
height: 5' 11"
bodyfat %: 19
Below has been the upper body bulking split that I've been following since around April:
Sunday : Off
Monday : Chest
Bench Press (3 Sets X 8 Reps )Shoulder pain? Drop this and incorporate db incline
Dumbbell Press (4 Sets X 8 Reps )
Flat Flyes Press (3 Sets X 8 Reps)
Add bb decline
Tuesday : Back
Wide Grip Chin Ups (basically rep out as many as I can to warm up with for 2 sets)
Lat Pull Downs (3 Sets X 8 Reps )Close grip?
Seated Cable Rows (3 Sets X 8 Reps )
Wednesday : Triceps
Close Grip Bench Press (3 Sets X 8 Reps )
Skullcrushers (4 Sets X 8 Reps )
Tricep Pushdowns (3 Sets X 10 Reps )Get rid of this for now.
Might want to add bb rows, Bent over db's
Thursday : Shoulders
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press (3 Sets X 8 Reps )
Seated Dumbell Press (3 Sets X 8 Reps )
2 presses are ok sometimes but i'd rather use side and front mixed up between cables and db's. Don't forget rear delts.
Barbell Shrugs (5~6 sets 8 reps)
Friday : Biceps
Barbell Curls (6 Sets X 7~8 Reps )
Not nearly enough. Alternate db's, hammer curls, cable curls etc....[/B]
Saturday : Off
Give arms their own day or at least do bi's w/ back and tri's w/chest. Tri's before shoulders isn't any good imo.
I've had some modest success with this set up (I've went from benching 155X10 to 220 X 8-6-5) however, I feel that I've really hit a wall and I've totally plateaued, if not I'm actually losing gains. Right now I'm suffering from :
-annoying recurring shoulder pain (just not nearly as bad as before I took a week off)Mentioned why imo
-lengthy tricep soreness (like 4+ days) and failure to get a decent pump on the tricep day Need more rest
-my elbow joints (whatever the name is for that) feels stiff and awful when I skullcrush
-worse yet I'm actually loosing strength on my tricep and delt lifts. about 10lbs or so far ! And this week it took a huge toll on my bench, I can only do 185X10, and 205 X 8. . .grrr
*had to note that from april till this past week, as counter productive and awful as this sounds, thanks to my ego, I was using my delts and tris moreso to move the barbell and dumbbells on my chest day than actually using my pecs.
These problems are really holding me back from my goal , which of course is to bulk up as swiftly (yet somewhat cleanly) and preferably before this black friday .
It's obvious I need a new training split. While I don't mind at all working out 5 days a week for each muscle group, my triceps and shoulders feel totally over extended by Friday when I train each group separately .
How do you think I should set up my training split to fix these problems ? I'm willing to try anything to get over this hump !
And of course, thanks in advance for your comments, ideas and suggestions