I just want to do a deca and sus cycle for 12 weeks. With nova at the end.
I just want to do a deca and sus cycle for 12 weeks. With nova at the end.
Last edited by Hondarocks; 09-21-2011 at 10:47 PM.
age and stats and traing exp?
29, training since I was 16. 175, 70". Cannot get any more gains past this point. I don't feel like I am getting my times worth for the amount of work I put in. I train with a trainer and a mature natural bodybuilder and a navy seal. I am ready to take the next step. No previous cycles. I have the steriods 101 black book, but this was written in 2002 and seems like this guy writes for pro BB and not first time users.
Last edited by Hondarocks; 09-21-2011 at 10:54 PM.
stats and cycle history please
bf%? Looks like diet problems also you should do a test only first cycle
body fat 13%
Diet problems. How so? And why test only..Isn't that a bit extreme?
I might have to take some clen to cut down a bit I cant shake some of this fat, the navy seal I train with said it works wonders and will knock me down to 5-6% no problem. I eat clean.
do 500mg sust pw split into 250mg x2 3 days apart. forget the deca until another time.
pct nolva 20/20/20/20/20
clomid 50/50/50/50/50
have an ai like aromasin or adex on hand for any gyno flare up. you need to have a good diet going 1st or you'll waste time and money
Thanks for the rec, but I dont know anything your just wrote. "Sust pw split"
Why no deca?
I eat good food, oatmeal, eggs, weight gainers, lots of fish, yams and on and on, I am always full.
bf% should be below 15% as to cut down on sides. You have never cycled so how would you know if you had problems which compound was causing it
deca shuts your test production and will cause erection problems. You need to always run test in a cycle. You need to read and research more before starting a cycle
test c or e. Doesn't matter which
Whats wrong with H or P? Or Suspension or Depot?
nothing. Just lots less injections with c or e
OK got it.
Cycle info plz?
look at dec11 earlier post. Its the cycle you should follow. Use e or c or sust for the test
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