Third cycle,
dbol/test e/deca
28/5'10"/201lbs/14.3 bf as of last week
40mg ed x 4 weeks
test e x mon/thur = 250mg each/500mg total a week
deca mon/thur = 200mg each/400mg total week
after many swollen injection spots to the point of having to miss lifting days. being incredibly red, hot, uncomfortable and looked infected everytime. i thought it may be the pin or the spots i was pinning so i changed pins, changed injection spots and even tried injecting each seperately but it wasn't until i stopped using the gear that i was currently using (first time with this lab and last time with that lab) i realized i think i was allergic to it. it wasn't completely shitty because i was up 17lbs and strength was up but my body hated it. so, on week 9 i switched to a lab i've had great results with but went to sust from test e. i kept the deca for the last week of it (week 10) and continued to pin sust every 3 day 175xpin = 525mg of test a week. my question is could i continue for a couple more weeks with the sust because i'm having such good response with it compared to the stack i was on or should i stop pinning this week (week 12) and start my pct as planned on week 15? (I just realized i'm at week 15 because i looked up my start date after i posted this... so now what?)