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Thread: primobolan depot

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george bull primobolan depot 08-29-2001, 07:57 PM
Guest well bro they reckon anythign... 08-29-2001, 10:18 PM
george bull thanks 08-30-2001, 01:04 AM
Guest when u finish your cycle do... 08-30-2001, 04:36 AM
george bull Thanks Jason 08-30-2001, 04:07 PM
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  1. #1

    Question primobolan depot

    I have just finished my 8 week cycle of dbol, test, and deca. i did 4omg of dbol ed for weeks 1-4. 400mg deca and 500mg sust a week for 8 weeks. I used milk thistle. I fared well in my eyes. extremely happy. The last part of my cycle is primobolan depot for weeks 9-12. My question is how much per week? I am also incorporating clomid weeks 10-12 at 50/100/50. Please help on the dosages for primo depot. I heard 200-300 per week, just want to know. Thanks for everything.


  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    well bro they reckon anythign under 400 is safe and doesnt interfere with your bodies natural test but I would say stick to 300mg per week to be safe run it longside the clomid no problems


  3. #3

    Thumbs up thanks

    Thanks for the info Jason, I have just a little more if you don't mind? I tried to pull up the profile on primo but had no luck, I know its a "hardner" but does it help to retain gains? Along with the usual of diet&sleep of course. Also I plan to do 200 then 100 bc they come in 100 amps. Is this bad bc it doesn't keep a constant level? Any input of the effectiveness of a good creatine after a cycle would help too. I've read some of the past threads and they sound good. I was just wondering what you thought. I see your name everywhere here so I figure your one of the main vets. I promise this is the last time I don't ask all at once. Sorry and thanks for your patience.


  4. #4
    The original jason Guest
    when u finish your cycle do the primo minimum of 3 weeks at 300 mg u will not notice anythign from it i doubt its not like really powerfull anythign less is a waist, it will help to retain youur gains but also i would load up on creatine and also keep your kcal intake high and dont forget clomid hope that helps


  5. #5

    Thanks Jason

    Yes you did help me Jason thanks alot.


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