Saw this on another forum, don't come at the cops with a crow bar. Had to have been on something, the tazer had no effect.
Saw this on another forum, don't come at the cops with a crow bar. Had to have been on something, the tazer had no effect.
I take it he was killed....
Way OTT, the guy didnt even go for them at all
EDIT : Yeh he did go for them but the police are still trigger happy.... 1 shot in the leg would have been enough
Last edited by baseline_9; 02-02-2012 at 01:55 PM.
Yeah he died, the cop unloaded on him form 5 feet. They shot him 10 times.,3618749.story
10 rounds down range for a guy who just made a sudden turn. These cops should be hanged, fvck 5 rounds were effective enough. Trigger happy cops who most likely will be investigated and or fired & jailed.
There was a huge thread on this over on another board. It was a bunch of disagreeing on what should have been done. I personally feel the taking action and firing was justifiable but to shoot the guy 5 times then 5 more as he is falling is more than excessive. This was a crowded area. I read a stray round hit a sign right above a woman raining debris on her.
The taser to the face had no affect therefore more force was required. I think one shot would have been sufficient in stopping the guy and could have potentially avoided the lethality of the situation involving someone most likely hopped up on drugs
Huh ?
What am i missing?
Did he attack the cops?
Where and When did he attack?
wow that cop did way way more than what he needed. Granted he turned in a manner that was threatening and shooting the leg would have required more aim and he could have missed but 1 or 2 shots in the torso would have been fine not 10. What was the cop thinking shooting the guy 10 times
Or he caught his wife cheating on him.
Im interested on hearing what Bronzer has to say about this. He made a pretty insightful post on police and levels of force. He's educated in this area from the law enfor***ent perspective. Based on his post the police are justified in using one level of force above that being displayed twords them. That would make this justified.
In this case it seems to me either the cop panicked (which he shouldnt do-its his job not too) or he is way to gung ho and trigger happy.
I will say this - to wield a weapon (any weapon) in a threatening manner twords a cop is risking being shot. What disturbs me is if it was a citizen with a carry permit that did the same as that cop- he would fry for sure. This cop may have no repercussions at all, he may get suspended , may even lose his job - you or I would end up in prison. Police are not above the laws they enforce. The should be judged by the same standards. There actions should be judged as anyone elses would , and their word should not be taken as more honest or truthful than anyone elses.
Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 02-03-2012 at 08:01 AM.
Why would you risk your K9's life? One blow from a crowbar or axe, whatever that was, could easily kill a dog. A police K9 is viewed as an officer of the law.It's not just some dog they dont care about. They will not put the dogs life in danger.
Anyone who is trained to fire a weapon is trained to aim for the largest target, that being the torso. As i said earlier it was a populated area with bystanders. You aim for legs and the risk of shooting a bystander goes way up
Yeah but 10 rounds to the torso come on now. 2 rounds from a .45 to the chest will bring 99% of the populis down for the count. Not to mention i guess he wasnt worried about the first 5 rounds going through the body and into someone else being that close. Food for thought lol. But i agree going for the legs would have been potential a bad mistake
I completely agree with it being more than excessive. I stated it earlier how i think one shot to the torso would have stopped him and that a stray actually did hit a sign right above a woman. I just was explaining the way law enfor***ent is trained.
This whole situation could have been handled differently. The cop was not right for excessive use of force but if you lift a weapon at a cop that could potentially threaten his life or the lives of his partners and they have exhausted their non lethal options, you should expect to be shot
So say this criminal with a potentially fatal weapon kills the dog and is still unharmed, then where are you? You have a dead K9 and are in the same position as before. A shot from a large metal object to a dog can inflict a lot of damage while keeping the attacker from ever being touched
Yeah, I agree. In that scenario, the police would expect me to back up and use my feet before drawing my weapon. Only if it was obvious that he was going to inflict deadly harm on a citizen, or myself, then I would be in the clear to draw and use force if necessary. It's a fine line, and in my case it would boil down to how I articulate it. Regardless, if I unloaded my magazine in similar fashion as the officer did in this video, I would fully anticipate my license to be revoked, my firearm impounded indefinitely, and criminal charges would be pressed with civil suits pending.
Jimmy is correct, the police used one level of force above the level of force that was being used against them. This man was clearly on a HIGH dose of PCP and he was not going to "feel" any pain unless it was from the use of a firearm; deadly force. Most of you probably haven't had the pleasure of dealing with someone on PCP. After bouncing night clubs for five years now, I can tell you that when someone uses this drug, they act, feel, and look completely invincible. If tasing the individual in the face did no harm to him or essentially stop the threat, then nothing else was going to except a bullet. As far as letting the K9 go on this man, there is a very good chance that the K9 would have gotten his head bashed in. You have to keep in mind that a person using PCP is equivalent to a man in full out body armor- they feel no pain at the moment. A K9 feels pain and can only take a beating for so long. For those of you saying that he should have fired a warning shot or a shot at his leg, that is complete hogwash. When you go through the academy now a days, you are trained to shoot CENTER MASS at all times. No warning or leg shots exist any more. By the time the officer looked down at the individuals leg, aimed, and attempted to shoot, his face could have been smashed in with that crowbar. Please don't feel that I am favoring the police just because I will be joining LE soon- The officer was justified for shooting him but he was NOT justified for firing multiple shots. Police officers are trained to know and understand that by law, once the threat is over, you have no power to keep using excessive force. With that being said, one shot would have obviously put the guy on his ass, the weapon fell from his hands, he was on the ground, and the threat was OVER. At the point the officers should have stopped firing and handcuffed the suspect.
imho- the officer will take a lengthy suspension and may end up losing his job and pension. He is unjustified after firing 10 rounds in a man who was on the ground and not moving. If the individual has a vest on and ate the first shot, he would be justified for his actions. However, the thing we have to keep in mind is that when the threat is over, your level of force must diminish as well
Last edited by Gaspari1255; 02-03-2012 at 03:12 PM.
You have to keep in mind that the goal of policing is to "Adequately represent the law and community in which it polices and must serve for protection of life and the prevention of crime and disorder." It is a police officers DUTY to stop crime and take action. It is not your duty, or any other citizens, duty to stop a man acting irrationally with a crowbar. If a man is coming at you with a crowbar from a distance or looking at you it a defensive way with a crowbar, you can easily "run" away or leave the situation. Police officers cannot run away or leave the situation. That's just something to think about. If I was a normal citizen, with a concealed and carry permit, and a man came at me with a crowbar, he'd probably get a round or two in him. I'm just trying to show you guys how this works in terms of the US Justice System.
A couple more insightful posts B man.
The bold above is really my main point. Thats exactly what the officer should have done (which we agree on). My main problem is that if you as a normal citizen unloded 10 rounds in that guy - the very prosecutor the police work hand in hand with would work his ass off to see you in prison- for a very long time. This officer may get reprimanded , may get suspended or worse case may lose his job - for the same exact thing. How is that justice?
His obligation to serve and protect doesnt shield him (or shouldnt) from equal justice for his actions.
This officer is going to be guilty in the courtroom for his actions. We really have no idea on what is going to happen to him. The point I was trying to make is that he HAS to do something in that situation where as we (normal civilians) do NOT have to take action. I'm gonna follow this up, it's gonna be really interesting to hear the verdict.
big maybe
I value my dog's life over a human's. Hell I'd save her before a bus full of humans that I didn't knowOriginally Posted by fukngruvn
I can watch a movie and be perfectly content with all kinds of people getting slaughtered, but as soon as they kill a dog they have crossed the line.
Haha x2Originally Posted by alexISthrowed
I have never seen someone get a tazer in the face like that, thats just frigen bananas!! To hell with that cop. For all the finer reasons he said he had to unload 10 rounds in that guys chest. I also watched the video someone here posted about the woman recording a routine traffic stop outfront her house and she was arrested because she wldnt go inside. This is 100% abuse of power and to be frank it is only gonna get worse. The funny thing is that all the officers I work out with who are legit tell me that they hate their job and I bet if you ask the ones who are hungry for power all say the LOVE their job.
Its funny that people are surprised when a cop feels threatened he shoots. I would to.
Shut up and lift
I dont believe the cop was threatened or in any danger, unless you count him having to chase the guy and maybe falling down.Originally Posted by Armykid93
I agree re: following will be interesting to see how it all ends up.
For the record..... I love animals. A life is a life regardless of who's it is..... animals and humans alike. Why do I deserve to be here any more than an animal? I was born by chance and so are animals..... who am I to decide which live and which don't? I'd only kill an animal if my life depended on it.... IE: Hunger or Defense.
If the guy was on PCP, which we don't know but can safely assume, then the K9 wouldn't have done shit. PCP users feel no pain. It directly affects the nerves and stimulates adrenalin. This is why PCP users can be shot several times and still charge at you.
IMO..... This cop would have been justified in shooting the guy 3, 4, MAYBE even 5 times. It becomes a reaction..... if he was scared - I could see this happening and being justified. Granted the cop SHOULDN'T be THAT scared but we're all human..... even cops. Shooting this guy 10 times is FVCKING RIDICULOUS..... he should be brought up on manslaughter charges at the least IMO. Cop or not.... he killed someone using excessive force. If he killed the guy with one or two shots you could easily say it was warranted. Ten shots is outrageous.....
Nothing will happen to him at worst be suspended without pay and I dont care what your on if his taser had worked properly that man would have been flopping like a fish on dry land. I strongly disagree with this officers actions they are trained to deal with idiots like this in a more profesional level than this. And after unloading his sidearm on him they handcuff him if he gets back up after that they better have some cryptonite handy
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