OK so being a big ass bitch that i am Ive been looking for almost 3 months for a decent weight belt ( hoping it will help protect my mended hernia )
So anyway i went to the Sunday markets and found a guy that dose fuking sick ass leather work and have organized for him to do me up a custom made weight belt all engraved and shit ... but heres the thing... i told him i wanted 8 inch's at the back and 5 at the front ...
Today i decided to show a mate how wide the belt is and measured a peace of paper and ill be fuked if it isn't as wide as a A4... so now I'm thinking its to wide at the back... 5 at the front I'm pretty shore i can get away with because i want it to cover up my Op Scars but 8 at the back ?
What ya's think is that way to wide ?