
First off I know I am too young to run a cycle and let alone tren. I have learned from my mistakes. Hopefully I can get help here instead of bashing I usually see on these forums.

After my first cycle of Dbol/Test that I recovered fine from, I decided to run a test/tren cycle.
Tren Acetate 1-8 at 300mg/Week
Test Enan 1-12 at 525mg/ Week

It had been great the first 7 weeks made solid 20lb gain with no sides besides minor aggression.
But after my last pin on week 8, I had ED with my girlfriend.. getting semi-hard during foreplay and then going soft right before sex. The next day I was better.. and decided to increase my test dosage/week by 100mg and end on my 11week.

But since then it has only got worse, I am lucky to be able to have sex every other week

My research has told me it has to do with prolactin issues. I am ready to order something called "liquid primi" which is supposed to the same thing as Caber.

I have liquidex and Nolva on hand but not sure if it would help.

Should I boost the test more or go back to normal.

PLEASE HELP!!?! this is embarrassing.