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Thread: Test E VS Prop VS Tren E

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  1. #1

    Test E VS Prop VS Tren E

    Hey guys,

    Im new to this forum and I was hoping to get some of your opinions on two different kinds of test, clearly test e and Test prop as the title says.

    I have come off about 10 weeks ago. My cycle consisted of Test E(Galanikas to be specific) and Winny cycle. I got amazing results. When I start I was 190lbs with about 17% bf, my end result was 212 with 12.8% BF(Calliper tested. I loved the cycle and the results I got.

    I am thinking of doing another cycle. I have been contemplating doing the same cycle that I did previously or trying something different. My goal is to get trim down and not get to much more muscle. Actually, im pretty happy with where I am now. I know my results will come from my diet + my training but from the supplement angle, what would you boys do?

    I have also contemplated doing Tren E. the reason why is because It doesn't need to be shot every other day and from the articles and threads iv read the sides- Tren cough- isnt as bad, actually next to nothing. I haven't done much research on this drug to be honest, so if some of you think this would be better could you give me your reason as to why.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Sydney - Australia
    Well from what I've read that others have posted is that tren e sides don't hit you hard as tren A, though tren A is safer due to the fact that you can get off asap if you get into issues, where tren e can stay in your body up to 10-14 days.

    Others have said this to me too, but tren isn't good for a first or second or even third cycle, its for advance users who can actually handle the sides. But if you are prepared and can handle the sides when they hit you... then goodluck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    True. Tren ace is safer due to the long esters attached to the tren e; if you get sick or any side like gyno it can stay in for awhile like he said. Tren may not be your best decision, why not test p and var or test p and winstrol or just test p. And the profiles on the website are kick ass. Look em up. Also you could just do good diet and cardio...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by AZGOLDSMEMBER86 View Post
    True. Tren ace is safer due to the long esters attached to the tren e; if you get sick or any side like gyno it can stay in for awhile like he said. Tren may not be your best decision, why not test p and var or test p and winstrol or just test p. And the profiles on the website are kick ass. Look em up. Also you could just do good diet and cardio...
    This would be my 3rd cycle. Iv tried Dbol Test and Vars for my first one. My second one was Test E( Galenika) and Winny. I liked the results that i got from my second better. Mainly because I didnt get a much water retention and I was at lower body fat % then my first one. To be honest I had no knowledge my first one, I had a better understanding the second time going into it.

    I had a wicked diet this past cycle. 2700 cals, 50pro 30 carb/ 20 fat. All my meals were weighed out and timed out. I jumped from 190- 216 in during my cycle. I know some of you look at those cals and are probably thinking its low. Im 5'8 and have really good genetics It worked for me thats all I can say.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    hate test-e love prop/tren ace i have hardly any sides trimming up wekly getting stronger daily just sweat abit thats about it not a bad cycle at all quick 8 weeks job done!

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