Has anyone heard of Scimex HGH and what experience ave you had with them?
Has anyone heard of Scimex HGH and what experience ave you had with them?
its a bullshit ugl, its not hgh
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
is the manufacture ok for steroids?
What about norditropin simplexx?
Sorry what does ugl mean?
ugl = under ground lab
we dont discuss them on the board. But anybody can make steroids. You need millions of dollars worth of equipment to make hgh
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
cheers, have you heard of norditropin simplexx. Sorry if im being a pain just like to get opions.
yes thats real
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
............... disregard
cheers guys, big help. Whats the best way to tell if im getting legit simplexx?
has anyone had results with this simplexx.
I've heard Thailand is the worst place to get them?
How can you tell legits from fakes?
scimex is shit don't use it
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