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Thread: 48yr old newbie interested in HRT

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  1. #1

    48yr old newbie interested in HRT

    48yr old male (don't laugh) w/first cycle questions

    Hi everyone. Please let me explain a little about my situation and goals. First, I really do not want to add much size or weight from my first cycle , that is why I am concerned about adding in some test with the deca that I already have. I received the deca 2 days ago with the intention of a deca only cycle, but after further research, it seems a deca only cycly could be counter intuitive to my goals. I am 48 yrs old and I am 5'8" tall, 175lbs with about 12% body fat. I am already pretty muscular (been body building and power lifting on and off since about age 13 with good genetics. When I settled on deca, I was more interested in a cycle that will help with pain in my joints (mainly shoulders and elbows), boost my metabolism to cut some fat, increase my libido and boost energy. I guess for an older guy like me, I would call it a hormone replacement therapy cycle since an over 40 male begins to produce less and less male hormone. LoL! Can anyone please recommend a proper cycle for me with those goals in mind, as I am a complete rookie regarding steroids . This will be my first cycle, so I would like to do a cycle that helps attain these goals with minimal side effects , such as hair loss, acne, etc. Thank you so much for all of your help, I truly appreciate your knowledge and advice. Lastly, can anyone recommend some HRT docs around the Cleveland, Ohio area if I go that route or do you recommend just doing it myself?

  2. #2
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Jun 2012
    The more I read about cycling the more interested I am in it. Once I get my protocol for trt dialed in I am going to give it some serious thought. I think there is another area in this forum to get info on cycling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hey Rookie,

    I think you would do well to explore a TRT regimen and once you're dialed in, start to experiment with blast & cruise. It would save you the headache of PCT which,
    frankly, is going to be rough at 48yo, in my opinion.

    That being said, if you are set on a cycle, I would suggest that your first cycle be a simple Test only cycle. With your gym history, you will be absolutely amazed at
    the differences you'll feel. Provided you are feeding and sleeping properly, your strength will quickly improve, and you'll be able to achieve the always elusive body
    recomp...could probably stay under 180lb and drop to single digit bf. And you could do this at a low dose.

    If you're dead set on running a multi substance cycle, test and equipoise is a classic and would get you what you want.

    Regardless, if you run a cycle BE CERTAIN that you have everything that you need to run a full pct (nolvadex, clomid, etc.) BEFORE your first pin.

    Last edited by grilla; 06-23-2012 at 08:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    OP - You may want to post this in the AAS forum where this is a more common conversation.

    Here, we don't "cycle" like the other guys do (for the most part) proper TRT there really is no "cycle."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Palmdale, Ca.
    I would suggest you look into NPP instead of DECA. It is the same thing in a short acting ester. It has the benefits of DECA without all the side effects. Either way though you will want to run with Test or you wont have any libido left. Read up on DECA DICK if you haven't heard of it. I think you need a lot more research before considering anything, actually.

    BTW, I'm a 48 y/o who just started TRT in this year and am running a blast right now with Test, NPP, HCG and liquidex. Never felt better in my life.
    Last edited by socalfun64; 06-24-2012 at 03:23 AM.

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