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Thread: Do i give it more time?

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  1. #1

    Do i give it more time?

    Hey everyone. Hope everyone is having a great start to the week. Hard for me to kick my ass in gear! No pun
    Well, I have a new solid local source. This person has won many comps and is the poster child for roids!
    Any how I had busted a vial several weeks ago and was left with deca only! So I got several vials of test e 250 off this guy. I started it immediately and have done so now for 2 wks. Anyhow since my deca is out of my system now and only running the new gear from the new source. I felt great the last two weeks and the last 2 days have been tough! Very lethargic, soreness all over. Classic side effects of low t. The guy and I speak via text and he is confident in this test e. He tells me if I'm not happy here in the next 2 weeks he will take care of me. I know how this sounds...well why don't u just wait and see and if still no happy trade that shit out.
    That sounds perfect BUT what do I do for the mean time? I realize it sounds like I'm whining (well I am!) I def. experience a little PIP, libido is still pretty solid. Just the feeling of flu type symptoms. ????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    3 things I would consider before assuming the gear is bunk

    1) diet

    2) rest

    3) E2 levels

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    give it more time... there could be other reasons you feel like that, one you already said it, maybe you coming down with the flue, maybe you over training, it could be the new test E you using....i get like that with test P, but only with certain labs.... what the lab name you using right .
    also i dont think, Deca is out of your system yet, deca is one of the longest steroid to leave your body.

  4. #4
    I am going to doc in the a.m. For blood work. I had a flu shot this year so I am ruling that out. The lab is some UGL bs! I obviously would rather have pharm grade! Had to do what I had to do. Stuff is super clean / smooth etc.
    Last night I wentto the gym and just did some very light cardio and sat in the sauna. My girl notices my lethargy! I usually crank it out at the gym. But not the case last night. Just loomed at the woman:-)

  5. #5
    Btw...totally forgot to tell the lab! Lol. SEE! out of it man!
    It's Bio Labs. Has a picture of a blue lower case "e" with what looks like flames coming off of it? I would post a pic but can't figure out how to with the iPhone 3.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TT_Tweeker View Post
    Btw...totally forgot to tell the lab! Lol. SEE! out of it man!
    It's Bio Labs. Has a picture of a blue lower case "e" with what looks like flames coming off of it? I would post a pic but can't figure out how to with the iPhone 3.
    Better to post a picture...i know biotech labs, bio chem labs, and biogen labs... from what you are describing its none of these...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Test-e makes me and loads of others very tired mate could be that with the deca going out when I took it I was knackered for weeks!!

  8. #8
    Trying to upload some pics but the app is saying error can not import picture? Wonder if it is on the forums end or my phone?

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