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Thread: When reconstituting HGH w/ Bac H2O,

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    When reconstituting HGH w/ Bac H2O,

    Is there an ideal amount to use? These are the instructions i'm going by: It comes in vials of 10iu and I am planning on taking 2iu per day (1 injection) (5 days on, 2 off) for the first month. My question is--the more bac H2O i use---the more i have to inject in correct? Is there any advantage/disadvantage to injecting more solution/less solution? I figure you would want to inject the least amount into your body for comfort purposes b/c your going to be getting the same potency regardless. Does my math seem sound?

    1.) Take an alcohol swab and swab the stopper of both your human growth hormone - somatropin - vial and the vial of the dilutent (BW, sterile water, b12).

    2.) Take a 3cc syringe with a 23 or 25 gauge needle (1" or 1.5") and draw up and amount of your preferred dilutent. The amount isn't critical, other than making sure you know exactly how much you have used. The best rule of thumb is choose an amount that will make measuring the final product easy

    example- 1ml(cc) per 10 IU vial of human growth hormone - somatropin - would mean each 10 mark on a U100 insulin syringe would equal 1 IU of human growth hormone - somatropin -

    2ml(cc) added to a 10 IU vial of human growth hormone - somatropin - would mean that the 20 mark on a U100 syringe would equal 1 IU of human growth hormone - somatropin -

    3ml(cc) added to a 10 IU vial of human growth hormone - somatropin - would mean that the 30 mark on a U100 syringe would equal 1 IU of human growth hormone - somatropin -

    3.) Take this syringe with the dilutent and push it into the vial of lyophilized powder, angling so that the needle touches the side of the vial, and avoiding shooting the dilutent directly on the lyophilized powder. Make it run slowly down the side of the vial (don't let it forcefully rush in).

    4.) After all of the dilutent has been added to the human growth hormone - somatropin - vial, gentling swirl (do NOT agitate or violently shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder has dissolved and you are left with a clear liquid. The human growth hormone - somatropin - is now ready for use. Store your now reconstituted human growth hormone - somatropin - in the refrigerator. If you used BW to reconstitute it will be good for three weeks. If you used sterile water, it will be good for about 5 days.

  2. #2
    I mix 1ml with 10 iu so every 10 ticks equals 1 iu.

  3. #3
    How long should my hgh take to dissolve? This is my first time using it. I'm on my fourth bottle which I just mixed. The first 3 dissolved within maybe 30 seconds. This last one though left cristals that stayed even as I rolled the bottle for a minute. I let the bottle sit a few minutes and finally they dissolved.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Great Lakes State
    They say there should be some flakes that take 30-60 seconds to dissolve if it's legit, although the fake stuff is being mimicked to act the same, either way it's about 30-60 seconds from what I am reading on here. Hth

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