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Thread: How important is nolva\proviron?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    How important is nolva\proviron?

    My friend won't listen to me. He is starting a cycle with almost no research before. Mind you this is his 4th cycle. He's been training for 3 years and he is about 5'6 and 175lbs with about 8%bf. His cycle looks good in my opinion.
    week 1-3 25mg d-bol
    week 2-5 250mg sus 250
    week 6-8 500mg sus 250
    week 9-12 250mg sus 250
    week 15-17 clomid theropy

    I think he should add an anti-e. Please explain what to run and how to run it so i can foreward him this poast
    PS any changes to cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    First of all, i dont like the taper hes got goin on with the sust. Here's what i would suggest if hes set on a sust/dbol cycle:
    1-4 30mg dbol ed
    1-12 500mg sust/wk (maybe 250mg m/w/f=750mg/wk if its his 4th)
    then 3 wks after last sust inj, clomid 300/100/50....

    I also personally like to run a low dose of nolv and proviron up until clomid. He should at least have nolv on hand with that cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    when you say 300/100/50 for the clomid therapy does that mean 300 mg a day the first week then 100mg a day 2nd week and 50mg a day last week? dont mean to interupt your thread bro just curious because i just got off a d bol sus stack just like that one and wasnt sure about the dose of clomid for my recovery..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    300mg day 1
    100mg days 2-11
    50mg days 12-22(+ give or take a few days)

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