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Thread: GHRP6 and CJC1295 dosing

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  1. #1

    GHRP6 and CJC1295 dosing

    Looking to start using peptides -

    I'v been looking at using
    100mcg GHRP6 & 50mcg CJC1295 in morning
    100mcg GHRP6 & 50mcg CJC1295 PWO (2 meals before bed) - was going to take it before bed but my pwo is too close.

    They say take ghrp6 on a empty stomach -
    *is taking amino acids/bcaa during workout okay, then shoot the ghrp6 ok?
    *can i take my pwo shake and then ghrp6? or shoot ghrp then wait 20 mins, then shake and meal?
    Last edited by megatron11; 04-24-2013 at 06:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by megatron11
    Looking to start using peptides -

    I'v been looking at using
    100mcg GHRP6 & 50mcg CJC1295 in morning
    100mcg GHRP6 & 50mcg CJC1295 PWO (2 meals before bed) - was going to take it before bed but my pwo is too close.

    They say take ghrp6 on a empty stomach -
    *is taking amino acids/bcaa during workout okay, then shoot the ghrp6 ok?
    *can i take my pwo shake and then ghrp6? or shoot ghrp then wait 20 mins, then shake and meal?
    As long as the aminos you take are just that and nothing (calorie wise) added to them.

    Take your shot right after your workout before your pwo shake. If you have a straight protein powder (like IsoPure or something similar) you can drink that right after your shot if you want. Carbs and fat blunt the GH pulse, so avoid those for 30 minutes after your shot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by megatron11 View Post
    looking to start using peptides -

    i'v been looking at using
    100mcg ghrp6 & 50mcg cjc1295 in morning
    100mcg ghrp6 & 50mcg cjc1295 pwo (2 meals before bed) - was going to take it before bed but my pwo is too close.

    if your only going to 2 a days pins use pre bed as one of them as you would take the highest advanatge of your natural pulse

    They say take ghrp6 on a empty stomach - true
    *is taking amino acids/bcaa during workout okay, then shoot the ghrp6 ok? carbs and fats only blunt your gh release
    *can i take my pwo shake and then ghrp6? Or shoot ghrp then wait 20 mins, then shake and meal?
    wait 30 min or so, most shakes contain carbs, protein is ok at any time really , some still wait 20 min for that

  4. #4
    Thanks, reason why im going with pwo instead of prebed is because

    I train at night so,
    finish training at 9.30
    protein shake at 9.30
    meal at 10
    meal at 12 and in bed by 12.30-1

    So im consuming food all the way through and my pwo is quiete close to my bedtime and my last 2 meals are too close together meaning ill have to jab at 11.30 which is too close

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pre bed is most important, i would swap the two then. personal opinion i guess. 11:30??

    Quote Originally Posted by megatron11 View Post
    Thanks, reason why im going with pwo instead of prebed is because

    I train at night so,
    finish training at 9.30
    protein shake at 9.30
    meal at 10
    meal at 12 and in bed by 12.30-1

    So im consuming food all the way through and my pwo is quiete close to my bedtime and my last 2 meals are too close together meaning ill have to jab at 11.30 which is too close

  6. #6

    Would eating at 10ish then jab at 11.30 and shake/meal at 12 be too close with 50mcg/100mcg cjc1295/ghrp6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    whats in your 10 meal...

  8. #8
    9.30ish is my post shake, so 10 is my post meal.

    Ussually 50g protein/50g carbs - chicken, rice, veggies. Steak, potatoes, veggies etc

    Then 1.30-2hrs later is shake and hit the bed so i dont have much time in between.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Your schedule is tricky, that is alot of food in meal 10 carbs included.

    Maybe just stick with your original idea if it works for ya.

    Just try to be empty and wait a half hour to pin as a rule and you should be good.

    I always get a flushing feeling if I am fully empty, sometimes i notice if i still have food in the stomach i notice i do not have the flush feeling.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I agree with LTN. If only doing 2 pins a day, I'd do upon waking and before sleep.

  11. #11
    thanks, id play around with pwo and before bed.

    i may even add a extra dose of 100mcg ghrp6 alone pwo later on.

    morning 100mcg/50mcg ghrp6/cjc1295
    pwo 100mcg
    bed 100mcg/50mcg

  12. #12

    i have decided to go with 80mcg/40mcg 3x a day, morning, post, bed

    on some days ill be using it 4x a day as i train twice.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Saturation dose is 100 mcg each. Why would you take less than the saturation dose? If you're gonna pin, why not use as much as you can use?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolv256 View Post
    Saturation dose is 100 mcg each. Why would you take less than the saturation dose? If you're gonna pin, why not use as much as you can use?
    Agreed here. I've been on a GHRP6/CHC-1295 stack for about three months now. The extensive research I've done states that a saturation dose of 100mcg both ghrp6 and cjc-1295 taken two to three times a day. For best results, food should be avoided 30-60 minutes each side of the injection, empty stomachs are best. So if your mixing milk with your protein, you might want to wait the 30 mins. Injecting any more than 100mcg of either will not get you any better results, and anything less, you are losing out.

    Also if you are using ghrp6 instead of ghrp2 I assume you're doing a bulk diet since ghrp6 makes you and animal for food and therefore are probably mixing your protein with milk. If your cutting, try ghrp2 and mix protein with water.
    Last edited by Blastoff; 05-09-2013 at 02:50 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I used to take high dosage og ghrp 6 ams cjc . After weeks got these side effect
    My heart rate and heart pressure went up and feeling restless
    Difficulty I breathtaking
    Its better to use small doses

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