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Thread: Post Injection Pain Mystery

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  1. #1

    Post Injection Pain Mystery

    Just started a Test Ace/Tren Ace cycle with a friend. Home brewed all the gear, as I have done before. First injections were literally crippling for both of us. Pain starts almost immediately as a dull ache at the injection site, and progresses to sharp pain the next couple days before subsiding. No redness or swelling or edema. All proper sanitation and injection procedures/techniques followed.

    Dosed both test acetate and tren ace at 100mg/mL with 2% BA and 18% BB, half grape seed oil and half Ethyl Oleate. Filtered twice with .22 sterile whatman.

    I did a previous cycle of test prop and tren ace with same mixture (minus the ethyl oleate) and didn't really have any problems - a little tenderness which seemed normal for prop - but not like this.

    So I tried the following diagnostics:
    Pinned the tren only. It was painless.
    Brewed another batch of Test Ace at 75mg/mL with 1% BA 12% BB, grape seed oil only, filtered twice at .22. This batch was painful in the same way, but not as crippling.

    What could be going on here?

  2. #2
    My guesses are that it could be either the Test Ace, or a problem with one of the solvents.

    There doesn't seem to be a lot of info on test ace, but I haven't seen anyone complain about it on the boards the way test prop is for example. Anyone here used test ace and had similar pain?

    It's also possible that I used a different Benzyl Benzoate for the Tren than I did for the Test. I'm going to order from a different source and see if that helps, but that will take a bit. After that I am out of ideas. Can probably limp through the cycle, but squats are quite painful. Any ideas or advice? Thanks

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