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Thread: HGH tissue repair dosage

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  1. #1

    HGH tissue repair dosage

    At what dosage would be for tissue repair. I have petellar tendonitis (runners knee) and a really weak other knee (Hurts when i do squats). a torn rotator cuff. One of my hands is also broken in a few areas. Anyways, I want to use HGH for tissue repair. I was going to start out at 2ius a day and up to 3ius a day. Not sure If I should be taking more like 7ius. I know it is a cumulative drug and takes 6 months for affects so I dont want to waste any time under dosing. Very expensive stuff. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Take a cortisone shot and follow up with Anavar at 50mg ED to repair the muscle washing. You can also add 2iu GH everyday. I did it on both shoulders and it worked.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Take a cortisone shot and follow up with Anavar at 50mg ED to repair the muscle washing. You can also add 2iu GH everyday. I did it on both shoulders and it worked.
    Is the part about cortisone shot and a follow up with Anavar at 50mg ED true? can this help with injuries?!!
    I always thought that cortisone is a short-term pain relief and it can reduce the swelling from inflammation!

  4. #4
    ok. i didnt know exactly how much gh i would need. been hearing people get good results with just 2 ius daily. Im down with that

  5. #5
    yeah I would never do cortisone. Its really bad.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A cortisone shot repairs the inflammation by muscle washing. My orthopedic surgeon did the shot in both shoulders. My HRT doc gave me a Rx for 50mg Anavar from a compound pharmacy for 30 days. I also added 2ius GH and after 30 days both my shoulders was good to go. I took it easy in the gym and also went to physical Theraphy. The PT told me he never saw a faster recovery for my torn bicep tendons. Also he never treated a patient on steroids from a Doc and had such a fast recovery. Hey it worked for me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by skylermach10 View Post
    At what dosage would be for tissue repair. I have petellar tendonitis (runners knee) and a really weak other knee (Hurts when i do squats). a torn rotator cuff. One of my hands is also broken in a few areas. Anyways, I want to use HGH for tissue repair. I was going to start out at 2ius a day and up to 3ius a day. Not sure If I should be taking more like 7ius. I know it is a cumulative drug and takes 6 months for affects so I dont want to waste any time under dosing. Very expensive stuff. Thanks
    HGH is very expensive, hard to find, and most of the time it isn't really even HGH (Quite often it is just HCG)

    May I suggest something?

    TB500 is an excellent peptide used extensively for healing conditions similar to yours. In fact, the racing community (race horses/dogs) have been using TB for decades. The body building community started experimenting with it not too long ago (self included) and, well, I am very pleased with the results. I created a log for people such as yourself to read. in my signature, is a link to this log. You are free to read it if you like. (And TB is a fraction of the cost of real HGH)

    Additionally, I would also suggest MSM. Believe it or not, another product used in the racing community (race horses specifically). Race horses' joints take a beating, and when the horse would retire and put out to pasture to stud, quite often they would be crippled up from joint pain. The owners would introduce MSM into the horses diet, and within a month or two, the horses would be relatively pain free, frisky, and running around in the pasture. MSM is very inexpensive, and in the past, I've purchased 5lbs for only $34. This, for me, is about a 15month supply. MSM is a very naturally occurring sulfuric based product, and has little if any side effects. Other than a bitter taste. The dose for humans is 5grams a day, forever. I've been taking for over 15 years. Women like it because it also improves the quality of their hair and nails. It improves collagen synthesis and is a mild anti inflammatory. Just google "MSM" and you will see pages and pages of sites selling it. Avoid pills and caps. Too expensive, and at 5grams a day, you would need to consume about ten caps/day. Instead, purchase bulk powder. Verify the scooper is 5 grams, and then straight into the mouth, and wash down with water. Don't try to mix with something else to avoid the flavor. Grow a set and just straight into the mouth.

    If you have questions on any of this, just let me know.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    which online seller do you get good results from msm powder? I dont think it counts as a source check because it has nothing to do with steroids. am i right

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by skylermach10 View Post
    which online seller do you get good results from msm powder? I dont think it counts as a source check because it has nothing to do with steroids. am i right
    all my book marks are gone due to a virus recently, and having to reformat, but in ten seconds, I found purebulk. google it and you will see it. very inexpensive. but definitely not the least expensive. I am 99.99% certain you can buy from any source and get legit. It is EVERYWHERE. I would go for the cheapest MSM I can find.

    Good luck!

    (yes, I've purchased from them many times over the years)

    just google "bulk powder MSM"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    2iu should be enough

  11. #11
    whats better tb500 or HGH

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