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Thread: About DHEA

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina

    About DHEA

    Hello folks, here we are.

    I've read a lot of users here, use DHEA or Pregnenolone supplements. I have also read the AI use could lower effectiveness of DHEA. So my questions are:

    1 ) Why an AI lower effectiveness of DHEA.... what is the underlying mechanism and how should be possible to control it ( Blocking aromatase will block pregnenolone -> DHEA conversion ) ?

    2 ) Test or 19-Nor will suppress endogenous DHEA production/conversion ?

    3 ) What are the additionail benefits to use them as supplements during a cycle and is it possible to use them off-cycle too ?

    I would like exhaustive and direct replies by users who are able to give exact answers.

    Thank you to all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    KELKEL is the one that knows the most about this I believe, but others have a lot of knowledge on this as well.
    From what I have learned and been told by my doctor is that too much dhea can lower the effectiveness of AI's. Any AI. Only blood work will tell you what your personal needs are. The older you get the less DHEA your adreanal glans will produce. That is why the TRT people will be taking both DHEA and Pregnenolone. IMO Pregnenolone and DHEA are important suppulments because they help backfeed Cholesterol pathways that are basically shutdown by supplemental testosterone.

    As to can you take this on and off cycle, yes.

    Here is some information about both. I hope it is not redundant to what you have already read.

    Pregnenolone - Why You Need It
    Pregnenolone is a hormone that many Doctors and men are not familiar with or understand it's role in the CHOL pathways but it's critically important to our health as it is a "precursor hormone" to all other hormones. Restoring Pregnenolone to optimal levels is important but seems to get the least attention by Doctors. Remember, the testes are the single largest producer of the hormone Pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is important for proper mental functioning and is the precursor to all of the steroid hormones found in the three CHOL pathways such as DHEA, testosterone, DHT, estrogen, cortisol...

    So what are the benefits of Pregnenolone?

    In our bodies Pregnenolone is manufactured by cholesterol (CHOL). The hormone performs many functions in a mans body, including:

    1. Promotes healthy brain function and protects against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Many men state feeling good when they start supplementing Pregnenolone.
    2. It can also prevent age related diseases and support the Central Nervous System (CNS).
    3. Boosts the immune system and increases energy produciton.
    4. Protects against coronary disease and improves heart health and can lower cholesterol levels.
    5. Enhances mood and relieves depression. Many men state their mood betters when they start supplementation.
    6. Relieves arthritis pain!
    7. Fights the effects of fatigue and stress.

    The optimal serum levels for Pregnenolone is 180 ng/dl for men. Pregnenolone can be purchased over the counter in a pill (micronized is the best for pills) or sublingual form in addition to transdermal creams. A typical dose is 50 to 200 mg daily best taken in the morning on an empty stomach (cream applied in the morning as well). Pregnenolone is considered safe and because is converts to DHEA which leads to other hormones it's best to get your Pregnenolone levels tested before supplementing.

    DHEA Supplementation
    Dehydroepiandrosterone: DHEA
    As presented by Dr. Neal Rouzier, M.D.

    Here's a great reason to add DHEA to your protcol.

    DHEA is a hormone secreted primarily by the adrenal glands. It results in a shift of a catabolic state to an anabolic or protein building state.

     It reduces cardiovascular risks by increasing lipolyses (decrease visceral fat).
     It stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves moods, decreases cholesterol and body fat.
     It improves memory, increases energy, and has anti-cancer properties by enhancing the immune system.
     It is an endocrine precursor to other hormones, prevents immuno-senescence, loss of sleep, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis.
     DHEA reduces insulin requirement
     Adrenal hormone anabolic vs. catabolic metabolism
     Restores immunity
     Prevents osteoporosis, increases bone density
     Prevents cancer in lab animals
     Prevents diabetes & heart disease
     Decreases visceral fat
     Improves mood & well-being
     Improves energy & memory
     Slows aging process in lab animals
     Prevents lipid peroxidation =
     Endocrine precursor to T.P.E.
     7-keto DHEA is not a precursor to other HRT = avoid
     Neurotransmitter (recently discovered)
     Presently pending FDA approval for Lupus (Prasterone)

    Clinically substantiated uses of DHEA include replacement for:
     Low DHEA levels
     Chronic disease
     Adrenal exhaustion or corticosteroid therapy
     SLE
     Improving bone density
     Improving depression & mood disorders
     Enhancing immune response by activating T-cells
     Improving well-being
     Decreasing cardiovascular risk
     Improving erectile dysfunction
     Anyone over 40
     DHEA has never been shown to reverse the aging process
     Nevertheless DHEA is important for preventive medicine
     DHEA inhibits synthesis of thromboxane A2, reduces plasminogen activator inhibitor, and tissue plasminogen activator
    – all decreasing platelet aggregation and ischemia.

    Men<200lb: 50mg AM
    Men>200lb: 75-100mg AM

    Women <50yo: 10-15mg AM
    Women >50yo: 25mg AM

    DHEA Serum Levels
     MEN
     Range 100-600
     Optimal 500-600
     Range 50-300
     Optimal 200-250

    Higher levels in women predispose them to side effects – therefore stay low
     Monitor monthly until optimal
     Assure correct dose and compliance
     Measure DHEA-S and not DHEA

     Side effects: acne, hirsutism
     Tx: Lower dose or take QOD Spironolactone 100 mg/day
     Contraindicated in sex hormone responsive tumors – breast, ovarian, uterine, prostate
     Conversion to T.P.E.?
     DHEA raises testosterone levels in women slightly, yet not in men
     DHEA raises estradiol slightly in men

     Over age 40 for health protection
     Preventive medicine and well-being
     Symptoms of aging, mood & depression
     ‘Cause the medical literature suggests it if we want to live longer, happier, healthier

    DHEA – S04
     MEN Blood levels
     Optimal : 500-600 ug/ml
     Side effects rare in men
     Optimal : 200-250 ug/ml
     Dose based on side effects
     Side effects very common in women

    DHEA Dose
     MEN
     Capsule – SR micronized
     50 mg Q am
     >200 lbs – 75 - 100 mg Q am

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Italy, Messina
    Thank you for your gentle reply BigTahl, you have answered nearly all my questions.

    So, exogenous Test, suppress DHEA production due the Tests ( which are the major producer of Pregnenolone ) reduce/stop to produce pregnenolone, breaking down the cholesterol conversion pathway. Is this the mechanism which AAS, suppress DHEA production ?

    Further, yes i know AIs act on DHEA and viceversa... but as a mechanism for ?

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