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Thread: blast cruise help ??

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  1. #1

    blast cruise help ??

    hey im new to this forum and would like to seek help , im 21 and getting ready for my second comp . thing is ive been out of bbing for a year n a half. car crash but anyways b4 all that i 19 turning 20 had a few cycles under my belt achieved incredible gains i mean serious size not common to my age placed 1st in the comp etc etc , ive just got off a test e 500mgs week 1-12 dbol40 mgs week 1-4 tren 400mgs week 1-10 diet is 250 grams of protien cal intake around 7500 . i was 285 when i last competed. anyways sorry for the book. id like to run somthing sim during blast and cruise trt 200mgs a week for 8 weeks , but i have a few questions , how should my diet and cal intake look like between blast a cruise . i kno it should increase but by how much ? and do i have to up the dosage everytime i blast ? like say this blast test e 500mgs then next 750 mgs? or would trt at 200 mgs make be alble to still get good gains off of 500mgs , anyways thanks in advanced . ps im in this for the long haul , i wouldnt be doing this if i didnt think i could make a living doing what i love and i understand that gear is only a fraction of what it takes , its more or less the icing on the cake . more of a marathon then a sprint, anyways cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Don't double post nonsense

  3. #3
    Idk bud. You're statements and questions are all over the place and you don't sound very knowledgeable for someone with numerous cycles under their belt and experience winning bb comps. 250g protein on a 7500 calorie diet? I call BS, but if its not bs then please slow down and convince us otherwise. Nobody's going to give you any advice other than stay away from AAS at this point.

  4. #4
    You came first in a comp weighing 285 pounds?

    Are u a mr olympia competitor?

    You want to know how to eat between blasts and cruises?

    Does all this add up to you. ?

  5. #5
    OP, I just saw your pics in the other thread. Your a big boy, I'll give you that. But I still say that from your questions you don't have the maturity or knowledge to be running aas. Especially not to be getting into making decisions that will basically commit you to trt for life at a very young age. If I were you id focus on getting diet in check to bring bodyfat down. You've got a good deal of muscle, and will look even bigger if you can get all the fat off the top of it. Based on your pcs, your diet of 250 protein/7500 calories is believable, but not very well put together. How has E2 been on your previous cycles?

  6. #6
    i do need to do more research , and i do need help with diet , and your right i do need to cut and kno im not a mr olympia i just won of off pure size like you could barely see abs but the other comp was may i say wayyy smaller and to be a local contest lacked skill in judging , and i ive ran simple things like , test e dbol and deca a few times now trying tren instead of deca with same cycle. its just i keep getting mixed things all over the place while researching. like i saw where one guy said your eating and everything needs to be greater . just looking for answers and advice thanks in advance

  7. #7
    not trying to get black balled for being dumb , i have taken a few cycles without the greatest knowledge "mainly just og lifters in the gym" ive always been a easy gain person . i will say this . i do like what ive seen on this forum . instead of seeing ppl saying go for it ! and giving me the thumbs up , ppl are actually trying to save me from mistakes , im verry verry sorry for my newbie showing . i just always thought there was never a stupid question if you honestly didnt kno.. and when i i find the pics ill post from the comp . i understand that this sounds like hogwash ..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Just watch yourself man

    Juicing this young will damn near guarantee a life long TRT

  9. #9
    i rlly appreciate that samson , it means alot for feedback positive or negative my ears are open . i may not touch another aas for years after this feedback. but thanks guys for saving me from trt for life!

  10. #10
    I'll be honest, I didn't know what to think from your first post...but you don't have the attitude I for some reason assumed based on the first post. Sorry for judging. You really do have some good bulk for your age. Ultimately its going to be your choice whether you go any further with aas at your age. Just take it slow and make sure you're as well educated as possible. Stick around and read as much as possible for now.

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