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Thread: What is your experience with a Testosterone cycle?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Talking What is your experience with a Testosterone cycle?

    What is your experience with doing a testosteron only cycle? Or what do you take with testosterone? How did you feel while on your cycle? Did you suffer any side effects from your cycle? What Ai did you stack with your cycle and what pct do you take? Did you take any measures to protect your liver and how was your appetite affected?

    I love the community on this website (: I have never taken any AAS before, so I want to here y'all's experience (:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by BMUS3 View Post
    What is your experience with doing a testosteron only cycle? Or what do you take with testosterone? How did you feel while on your cycle? Did you suffer any side effects from your cycle? What Ai did you stack with your cycle and what pct do you take? Did you take any measures to protect your liver and how was your appetite affected?

    I love the community on this website (: I have never taken any AAS before, so I want to here y'all's experience (:
    You can find all the answers for you questions here:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    My experiences have been good.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You're 18 years old. Far more harm than good right now. Your natural test level is very high at your age. That said, if you're not making gains you need to examine your nutrition and training.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I am making gains (: I just wanted to get some of y'all's personal experience while on the drug! I don't plan on taking it anytime soon. Might not even take it. I just want to know what y'all have experienced

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by BMUS3 View Post
    I am making gains (: I just wanted to get some of y'all's personal experience while on the drug! I don't plan on taking it anytime soon. Might not even take it. I just want to know what y'all have experienced
    Well someone pointed out that you are 18, so I am going to tell you my experience with Test since I made the mistake of cycling at 19 and a couple more times after that. I am not ashamed to admit I have been wrong, especially if it helps someone learn from it.

    I was in Afghanistan and we had no internet, or electricity. My medic asked one of the Afghani kids if they could get some steroids and he said yes. So he got us all the stuff and we did it. At first it was good, it seemed okay. I didn't have any problems on the cycle and I gained quite a bit of weight.

    I eventually lost all of the weight due to a poor diet. I had to diet strictly for well over a year, maybe even more than that, before I felt like I had a good grasp on how to eat and what I needed to eat and not eat. This is something I still learn about even now. I couldn't have possibly known that at 19, so I lost most of my gains.

    Before I lost my gains, but after my cycle was almost over, I worked out a lot. I lifted heavy, the steroids had allowed me to put on a lot of strength. Long story short I pulled a muscle/tendon in my back. I do not know because we had no hospital equipment there. It hurt for weeks, a few weeks of no back workouts.

    Then I hurt my shoulder. Once again, all within a year of cycling. My shoulder took about six months to heal. So back right at the end of my cycle, then shoulder which lasted til about 8-9 months after my cycle was over. So it was worthless.

    The long term effects have just now started to kick in. My test is low, low enough to hinder my performance and it gets worse each year. My doc said he will put me on TRT now if I want but I told him I would hold off as long as I can. I just found out today I have an enlarged prostate most likely due to steroid use. I have to pee in the middle of the night at least 5 times, over double that during the day. Who knows what else will come to bite me in the rear end when I am even older. I am only 26.

    If I had taken the time to wait, learn, and get my diet and training to the points that they are at now then I would be much bigger than I am now after having done the same amount of cycles that I have done. I literally pissed away money and good steroids because I was young and stubborn and didn't have a forum like this to give me guidance.

    I know you might be reading some of these things and think to yourself, "Well I know better, I have that figured out, or I have this information and I won't make his mistakes." You are not the only 18 year old to think he knows everything if you indeed do. I thought the same thing back then. I thought I had it figured out and I was invincible. If you want to cycle early, just come back here and read all of the posts about guys having issues and hopefully that will level your head.

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