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Thread: Insulin protocol help

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Insulin protocol help

    I'm running novorapid With my next cycle and just need to know if this looks OK
    05:00 cardio for 45 mins then 10iu once finished followed by dextrose and proline bcaa etc, then an hour later high protein and cards meal low fat, then eat every 2 hours with high cards protein and low fat until 11:30 go to gym train Until 12:30 then 10iu Pwo follow same structure as the morning does this look ok

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Too bad nobody responded to your post, Marcus. So here you go:
    First, and most important, question. Have you run SLIN before? If not, you need to know how your body reacts to it first.
    Your protocol frankly looks terrible! I learned from an IFBB pro and have been doing SLIN for years.
    First, 10IU twice a day is way too much for most people. You are going to go hypo with what you have planned. No question about it. Start with 2 or 3IU post workout and work your way up. I personally can't do more than 5IU without going hypo no matter how many carbs I eat.
    There is absolutely no reason at all to take SLIN after cardio. Your blood sugar is going to be super low and then you are going drive it lower? Not a good idea! Besides, why would you want to replenish your carbs after cardio when the idea is to burn fat?
    SLIN is for after a heavy, bodybuilding workout only! OK, some guys use a little after a carb up to go back into ketosis but that's another subject.
    Do what I did and what a number of guys I've coached do: start with 2-3IU post workout only. Take in 10 grams of carbs per IU as a baseline. Some can get away with less and some (like me) need more. Work your way up until you find out where you go hypo. Keep soda on hand if you start to feel sleepy and goofy. Make sure you are never alone for 2 hours after shooting up. And for God's sake, don't go to sleep!
    SLIN can be safe and effective if used correctly. Just start slow and learn how you react first.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    heavy bodybuilding workout only? tell that to marathon runners, rowers and cyclists

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