So I'm on my way home tonight and turn on talk radio. And low and behold they are talking about Sony Pictures pulling the Christmas plug on the movie "Interview" about North Korea and it's leader. A comedy I might add. But Sony was cyber attacked and told not to run the movie or else it would be destroyed and so would all the movie houses in America with Americans in them. So, Sony Pictures backed down from the cyber threats for fear of North Korea which is behind the cyber attacks, which by the way were all performed in Mainland China, you know our Communist friends who we now buy everything from, that took most of American Jobs because they worked for so much less than Americans so greedy corporations shut all the American factories down only to reopen them in China. Well anyways North Korea has now kicked America's butt big time and now Corporate America is running scared and is now for the first time in American history we are all being controlled by North Korea. Now add this to the fact that our wonderful senator Diane Feinstein from San Francisco ratted out our CIA so badly and threatened them all with prosecution for saving millions of American and allied lives the world over. She is communist so what would you expect from her? So now we can no longer rely on reports from them due to fears of arrest for ways of finding facts for us. But not to worry as our President Obama has just announced, what has he announced, well nothing. But he did announce that America is now opening it's borders to Cuba for the first time in more than 50 years. And boy will that ever jump start our economy. It's a win win for Cuba and for us! Just think about it. Cuba gets Home Depot, McDonalds, Dairy Queen, and we get Cuban Cigars, Cuban debt, and Cuban refugees by the tens of thousands that Obama can add to our Welfare programs here in the US! What a bargain! I sure hope that there will be enough Obama phones to go around!