Ended my first cycle at 10 weeks. I wasn't gaining much by week 6 so I ended up bumping my calories up to 5k which lead to weight coming on fairly rapid. By the time I hit 10 weeks I was up 17 pounds but didn't look much different in the mirror. I am heading into my 3rd week of PCT on 50 mg Clomid and am back to my starting weight. I am still eating at 5k but it no longer seems to be moving the scale. I ate a decent surplus for an extended time before my cycle and had no success putting weight on. I talked to my doctor about it and she mentioned something along the lines of nutrient absorption issues which I didn't quite understand but my bloodwork was spot on except my 334 total test (which will not probably be lower now). I have bloodwork setup for next month to see where I am. I still have my libido but I feel like absolute trash the past couple of weeks with no energy and I seem to be breaking out in acne all over. Strength went up a bit on cycle and I was able to finally hit 225 for a few on incline which made me happy and my squats and deads went up about 10% but now I feel overall dead in the gym and those weights feel impossible. Here is a before pic from a year ago and one from the end of cycle. 203lbs in the first and 220 in the second. I also want to thank you guys for PCT advice and help as well.