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Thread: Stack var/winny/test prop women

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Stack var/winny/test prop women

    Hello guys! I'd like to receive some opinions about a pre contest cycle...
    I've already used var, oral winny, injectable winny, primo and serms in past cycles...
    Now I should doing 12 weeks on 10 mg var daily. For the first 4 weeks stack with 75 mg inj winny weekly (25 mg x 3 times a week), the next 2 weeks 50 mg winny weekly with 50 mg Test prop (25 mg x 2 times a week) then I reapet 4 weeks + 2 weeks. I should use tamoxifen too but I think the last 4 o 6 weeks before the show. I fear for the sides of test I'd like to use it for gaining more muscular mass but I really afraid of the sides. Any advice?

  2. #2
    Just remember, if you look leaner than me I'll hate you. LOL

    Post your results. Not many ladies here running multiple compounds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Just remember, if you look leaner than me I'll hate you. LOL

    Post your results. Not many ladies here running multiple compounds.
    Don't know if I'll try the test prop I'm a little bit scared of the virilization effects... By now I've only used winny inj primo inj and var... Then igf1 lr3 with peg mgf1 for 5 weeks. Now I should start this cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating
    Do you want to look and sound like man? If so this will help you...... (im a savage at times sorry)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK1 View Post
    Do you want to look and sound like man? If so this will help you...... (im a savage at times sorry)
    No, i don't want to. I've asked here if test prop could give me sides about virilization even in a small dose as in this cycle. I don't think the problem is the test prop but the stack... Winny + var ± test prop... I've already tried the stack winny primo var at very low dose and no sides (only the cracked voice)... But test... I don't like so much the idea

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Well, he beat me to it. Lol

    I have no clue how I female would respond to test Prop. Prop is a fairly short ester to start with. But, I have heard of females running a prop(mast prop & primo) only a few x's a week & they were fine.

    Kind of a slightly off topic question: why do you not crank up the Var? Or, why other women don't? - most I have heard is 20-25mg daily. . . But, it's still milder than Winni

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Well, he beat me to it. Lol

    I have no clue how I female would respond to test Prop. Prop is a fairly short ester to start with. But, I have heard of females running a prop(mast prop & primo) only a few x's a week & they were fine.

    Kind of a slightly off topic question: why do you not crank up the Var? Or, why other women don't? - most I have heard is 20-25mg daily. . . But, it's still milder than Winni
    I don't want to use too oral compund I prefer injectable ones.. So I prefer use inj winny plus 10 mg daily of var. Maybe 12 weeks with winny starting with 25 mg weekly and bump up at 75 mg weekly gradually.... Is winny so harsh?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I’ve stacked Winny var and primo. No sides. Just started test prop low dose 10 mg e3d a little voice change not much. Strength and indurance increase has been great.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulthar91 View Post
    I don't want to use too oral compund I prefer injectable ones.. So I prefer use inj winny plus 10 mg daily of var. Maybe 12 weeks with winny starting with 25 mg weekly and bump up at 75 mg weekly gradually.... Is winny so harsh?
    Winny is an awesome cutter. I looked so lean after a Test/Mast/Winny cycle. The problem I noticed with winny is that it seems to dry out the collagen. I already have bumm knees and I thought I needed knee replacements when I was on winny. I was a soccer coach and it felt like I had sandpaper for cartilage. The affects are temporary, THANK GOODNESS.

    As for running Test, you should really think about it before you start. Physical changes to your body is not reversible. Are your fitness goals so integral in your life that you would be willing to make the sacrifice that's required to reach those goals? I found cycling Test to be emotionally addicting. It's hard when I finish a cycle and don't feel like superman anymore. I can't wait for my next cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Drop the Test Prop.. if your whole reason for taking it was to add muscle mass, then go with NPP or Deca. way way less virilization potential with it and more anabolic then test, and less androgenic. also it does not covert to DHT like test (women don't want DHT conversion). you'll gain just as much or even more mass with NPP then you would with test and be less side effects

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thank you all guys for all your advices! Finally I've decided to don't use the Test, not now neither in the future, I want to stay feminine and I don't think it's necessary for my goal (figure at international level). I'm 13 weeks out now and we decide to stay on the stack var and winny injectable. Then at 6 weeks out we'll add nolvadex and clen +T3 (at weekly rotation of course).

  12. #12
    Good choice. Good luck with your competition. Post your competition results.

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