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Thread: 4th Cycle Thoughts

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City

    4th Cycle Thoughts

    Finishing up my 14 week, 3rd cycle of Test-E and Deca. 400/600mg per week. Work and life became extremely busy, got in the gym consistently despite the hectic schedule just didn't get to meal prep as much as would have liked for the added calories. I gained a couple pounds but I feel it turned into a recomposition cycle as I lost a few body fat percentages. I estimate I went from 12% to 10% while gaining and looking bigger. Assuming a good PCT and post cycle bloods come back good. What do you see as the normal progression for a 4th cycle? Keep in mind I'm not planning on jumping right on, it will be in 4 months or so.

    I managed the estrogen and prolactin well with the Deca, so I was thinking about switching esters with a 12 week NPP/Test Prop cycle. If you all think this is a good idea, how should they be dosed to minimize sides similar to the Deca cycle which I feel I achieved with the 400/600?

    Thanks in advance for your input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    I wish i was as lucky as you fit- i finished my test deca run a little while back- same prob, i got busy and couldnt meal prep as much as i wanted and ended up plus 24 lbs.

    Depends on what you are looking to do- if you are still looking to bulk i prob wouldnt do npp. May be just me vut i cant put on weight with npp the way i can with deca. I know some guys do, i just never had any luck with it. It was good for me for lean mass.

    Having said that- if you want some more poundage- i would suggest running your test higher than your npp. I always run mine higher just because i feel better, but ive always noticed better size gains when my test was higher than my nandrolone. Its been suggested the same with tren.

    If you want more of a similar cycle to what you are ending now, keep dosages the same - maybe 500/500, and just let the meal prep do the rest of the work

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy51577 View Post
    I wish i was as lucky as you fit- i finished my test deca run a little while back- same prob, i got busy and couldnt meal prep as much as i wanted and ended up plus 24 lbs.

    Depends on what you are looking to do- if you are still looking to bulk i prob wouldnt do npp. May be just me vut i cant put on weight with npp the way i can with deca. I know some guys do, i just never had any luck with it. It was good for me for lean mass.

    Having said that- if you want some more poundage- i would suggest running your test higher than your npp. I always run mine higher just because i feel better, but ive always noticed better size gains when my test was higher than my nandrolone. Its been suggested the same with tren.

    If you want more of a similar cycle to what you are ending now, keep dosages the same - maybe 500/500, and just let the meal prep do the rest of the work
    I expected to be alot heavier. But I have a high metabolism and generally eat pretty clean, just alot more of it. For all purposes it's been a nice recomp cycle, one I didn't expect to have. It's got me looking like a monster with just a few pounds of weight gain. I guess it is true what they say, you can cut or bulk on any substance, some easier than others.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    I expected to be alot heavier. But I have a high metabolism and generally eat pretty clean, just alot more of it. For all purposes it's been a nice recomp cycle, one I didn't expect to have. It's got me looking like a monster with just a few pounds of weight gain. I guess it is true what they say, you can cut or bulk on any substance, some easier than others.
    Very true- you can cut or bulk on tren or deca- as long as you have the right strategy.

    I think the shorter esters will end up not giving you the bulk you want. Personally i would do the same cycle, except bump your test to 600-700. That will make a difference. Then you have the option of tossing in dbol for the first few wks.

    But dbol has a very short half life- maybe 8 hrs wh9chbis why alot of guys dont like it, so i always make sure to dose twice a day. That will give you your bulk for sure and staying fairly simple

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    What is your goal for the next cycle?

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Destination Peaksville
    I agree that we can bulk or cut with pretty much any compound, although generally the compounds that make us retain water (wet compounds) are the ones commonly used for bulking, and the ones that dry us out (dry compounds) tend to be used for cutting or recomp.

    Meal prep is the hardest part for me, personally, cause like you said life does get busy so I get it man. Many of us have families and careers and when done properly, the body building lifestyle is an enormous commitment and navigating all of our responsibilities and still eating approx 3,000 CLEAN cals everyday is not an easy task. I actually had something similar happen to me a while back when running tren. My initial goal was to pack on more size and I simply couldn't hit my calories consistently (clean cals that is) and like you, ended up with a decent recomp where I lost weight lol but my shirts got tighter and I got considerably stronger so clearly I was gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously.

    Your cycle looks fine to me but since your goal is to bulk I would throw an oral in there...anadrol or dbol.

    I'm surprised that you had no issues with prolactin at 600mg/week of nandrolone. What is your AI of choice and what were you running it at during that cycle?

    I'm bringing that up because the prolactin sides are indicative of the amount of estrogen one has (I know you're aware of this but mentioning for other readers as well), so you may need to adjust your AI to continue to control prolactin effectively moving forward, especially if you do decide to throw an aromatizing oral in your cycle which is favorable for bulking since we want our estrogen a little higher when bulking IMO.

  8. #8
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    I did use an AI through the Deca cycle, 0.25mg of Adex EOD. Initially I wanted to make better use of the higher estrogen for the bulk so I played with the AI and kept it to around 0.25mg once a week because my previous mid-cycle BW showed I wasn't very estrogen sensitive, not one of my finer moments though as I hadn't used Deca before. It killed my libido and developed serious Deca dick which in turn gave me psychological issues. I went back to the .25mg EOD and the libido came back within a week. Mid-cycle bloods had my E2 within normal levels. I had Caber onhand in the event I developed any nipple sensitivity but I ended up not having to use it as mid-cycle BW showed my prolactin levels within normal range as well. I've used it once as a DA in the sack so I could last 3 hrs to impress a new chick.

    I may try the Deca/Test-E cycle again with Dbol as I'll be going into the holiday fucking good food eating season and save the drier, Test-Prop/NPP cycle for the summer for more of a leaner bulk.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    You want to bulk?

    Give Equipose a run.
    500 mg (or your fav dose) Test E
    1000mg EQ (read on it, best at high dose)
    Kickstart with an oral of your choice

  10. #10
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    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by Aerospace View Post
    You want to bulk?

    Give Equipose a run.
    500 mg (or your fav dose) Test E
    1000mg EQ (read on it, best at high dose)
    Kickstart with an oral of your choice
    Never really considered EQ, would that be for the increase in appetite?
    I see a lot of EQ bulking cycles at 400mg per week , 500mg per week of Test, plus an oral
    Last edited by fit_deskjocky; 07-16-2018 at 05:12 PM.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    Never really considered EQ, would that be for the increase in appetite?
    I see a lot of EQ bulking cycles at 400mg per week , 500mg per week of Test, plus an oral
    I never really got much out of eq. Ran it up to about 600mg with other compounds and orals, just never got as much out of it as i figured. Always had more luck with the standard bulkers. But then again i get some decent results out of adding adrol when i bulk and alot of guys dont like it because of appetite.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy51577 View Post
    I never really got much out of eq. Ran it up to about 600mg with other compounds and orals, just never got as much out of it as i figured. Always had more luck with the standard bulkers. But then again i get some decent results out of adding adrol when i bulk and alot of guys dont like it because of appetite.
    Nobody gets anything out of EQ, expect maybe high RBCs and corresponding hematocrit.

    Its a very weak compound, good for racing horses though.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Nobody gets anything out of EQ, expect maybe high RBCs and corresponding hematocrit.

    Its a very weak compound, good for racing horses though.
    I always thought the same thing BB. But then i hear guys all over raving about eq. Just figured it was me. Ran it twice a while back to be sure but didnt think it was worth the money spent.

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