terrible, terrible, i know...but, i can't deny that i'm more than mildly amused by the story...=)
-- clocky baby
terrible, terrible, i know...but, i can't deny that i'm more than mildly amused by the story...=)
-- clocky baby
What a bunch of fuckin' goofs!
Some men will do anything to see a naked woman. $10K to chase a naked woman!? Absolute fucking losers.
I heard about this the other day and thought it was a joke! I guess some women are really desperate for money and some men are F-ing wierd enough to pay.
I saw that too. I though it was funny but at the same time its sad that women put themself through that for money. What a sick world we live in.
thats pretty much how i feel...=)Originally Posted by RON
-- cb
They have a website and it gets even worse. Those guys are sick as hell. I'd post it but I really don't want to promote them here. I know CycleOn would book a hunt or two and I don't want to help them make the money.
Can you PM it?Originally Posted by RON
Guys...I'll save you time before you ask. It's fucking brutal and sick!
I really wish there was something we could do about crap like this. Its disturbing. Makes you proud to be an American
Move to Canada!Originally Posted by RON
Legal pot, OTC syringes, and legal possession of AS.
The biggest problem with our country, and I fought for it, is we have too many rights! We have the right to degrade not just women but people! WTF! Just like the PETA mf'rs who cry when a dog get put down, but could care less about our people getting killed in war! Too much time on people's hands is very risky! Makes me sick and think that we're just going to destroy ourselves. I hate to think what my kids are going to see when they get to be our age...
Hell, as long as everybody is a willing participant, sounds like a fun way to kill an afternoon to me. Beats the shit out of playing golf anyday!
and if you guys feel like we have "too many rights" here, my suggestion to you... move to China! even though I don't agree with everything everyone does here is the USA, I wouldn't trade it for ANY other country in the world!
Last edited by ripped4fsu; 07-18-2003 at 08:44 AM.
Hey bro don't take what I said the wrong way! I'm all about the US, but I get pissed when an American burns a flag! I get pissed when I hear people bitch because they CAN! That's BS, everyone has an opinion just like they say everyone has an asshole! I believe sometimes people need to be saved from their own stupidity! Those chicks maybe all f'd up on Smack and just do it for the cash, because god knows getting shot with a paintball gun with no clothes on would suck! I hate seeing some of shit people do, just because they can....yes, you have the right to do somethings. That doesn't mean it good!Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
For instance, we have near me protesters that sit out on 4 corners of an intersection by my house and when I drive by with my KIDS they have pictures of abortions and sick grotesque pictures of babies! I don't want to F*n see that! and then my kid has to see that!!!!! WTF! I had a cop have to settle me down becasue I yelled my kid shouldn't have to see that! and one of those MFERS mouthed off to me about it! Yes they have the right to protest FINE! But they shouldn't be able to post pictures and I'm talking 25 x 15 ft posters! in public!
I need to settle down now...
The company is called "Real Men Outdoor Productions Inc" more like "Real A**-Holes Productions Inc".
I used to play paint ball and that shit hurts with a couple layers of clothes on. I would have black bruises on me for weeks. We were playing with high power guns but still no clothes.
Easy there big fella!! I'm on your side bro... and I agree with you that people do stupid, even dangerous shit, just because they can. My point is this, I'm not willing to give up MY rights just to shut someone up I don't agree with. But like you, I will also stand my ground, like you did with the Pro-life people... and you mentioned PETA, I'm an avid fisherman so I've had more than one run in with them, one time it actually got physical.
I think what a lot of people don't understand is that when they do shit like stick a picture of an aborted fetus in someone's child’s face they are doing more harm than good for their cause... (I'm sure, pro-life or not, after that incident you didn't whip out the checkbook and write 'em one on the spot huh?) IMO an asshole is an asshole regardless of their cause.
I try to live by these two rules: the golden rule, and the serenity prayer... and they get me thru most situations. BUT I am not a doormat, and I will not hesitate to bitch slap someone if they need it.
As for the girls getting shot with paintball guns, I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about. Maybe they LIKE the excitement of being hunted; who knows, there are some strange people in this world. As long as they are doing it willingly I really don't give a shit. Anyway, sorry for writing a book, but I just wanted to get on the same page with you. You are my AR brother, so I totally respect you and your opinion.
Right on bro! I know what you mean, I just heated up on things, I appologize if I got hot. I in noway meant any disrespect.
YES, an Asshole is an asshole and unfortunately I think more are being bred than before. We should NEVER give up our rights! We live in a great country! and I've been to alot of other countries and we are very very lucky (except for we can't have AS! bastardS!) WE have the right to protest, and I think alot of times people need to be saved from themselfes. Hey man if the girls have no problem with getting shot by a paintball "good on them!". I have no problem with that, but if they're being forced (which we here war stories about shit like that all the time), or somethings being held on them. Then I have a major issue.
I blame this on my daughter! I was a heartless bastard until I had her! Shit!![]()
And trust me bro, if that cop wasn't there I would have killed that mf'er! I said my kid doesn't need to see this crap! He said something like just shut up! I almost dropped my tranny putting it in park! I hopped out and 2 cops come a runnin saying sir you need to relax, thank god they made the guy leave the site. I really wanted to Tap his ass out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I try to live by these two rules: the golden rule, and the serenity prayer... and they get me thru most situations. BUT I am not a doormat, and I will not hesitate to bitch slap someone if they need it."
Haha ripped i didnt think you had it in you broGoing physical with the PETA or was it in the PTA meeting?
As for the link i can go hunt women with a paintball gun for free anytime i want to. Im not saying they would like it but it would be free, some people just have to much money to waste.
I don't think there's anything at all wrong with this, the girls are signing up and getting paid a lot for it. The problem is people getting so pissed about such a trivial issue.
Like the chick from some damn organization said, "offensive, dangerous and exploitative"
Well, I'm not offended by it, but since SOMEONE is, I guess we have to get rid of it. If people are offended by something there's a simple solution... DONT EXPOSE YOURSELF TO IT. If you don't like watching "G string diva's" on STARZ or whatever channel it is on, don't watch it! You don't have to bitch about it, just don't watch it. "Dangerous"? Well the well paid women were given the option of wearing headgear/goggles for safety. And welts do heal. "Exploitave"? Yes, that's what will make people buy the video. I can think of a lot more exploitive, degrading, and "offensive" things.
It reminds me of when Hooters was trying to get a license to put a restaraunt here and so many people were against it. They could have just not patronized the restaraunt, I guess that idea never entered their heads. Turns out Hooters did build here and what a great restaraunt. People need to stop assuming their opinions are global.
People need to get a life and stop bitching about everything.
The following picture is from
A very entertaining site
Last edited by AandF6969; 07-19-2003 at 01:35 AM.
good point, AandF. its just that i feel sorry for the women who are so desperate that they have to lower themselves to this kind of humiliation...
perhaps i'm wrong, maybe some weird chicks think its fun or something...
-- cb
Aside from the safety issue, these girls are not wearing eye/face protection, I don't see what the big deal is. The same hullabaloo comes down when lapdances or body shot off naked stripers are made legal in a city. If it's legal and people are willing to do it what's the problem? No one is forced to do it. For my next point I revert back to my 'sister analogy' technique: Would you rather your sister did the naked paintball thing or rented her ass for cash at a chicken ranch?
RON, I'm not a betting man, but for enough money I bet you'd let a bunch of homos with paintball guys chase your naked ass through the woods.........for enough $$$ I think most people would.
I think that's my biggest point! I think that it's F*d that women have to do stuff like this! Hell is it reallyworth the money? It's not as bad as some of the farmanimal girls but still kind of messed up!Originally Posted by clockworks
Terinox, I hear you bro! And yeah this is going of subject, but Music doesn't corrupt kids! a lack of parenting does! If you don't teach your kids to understand then they won't! I try to explain to my kids (9g, 8g, 6b) everything that's happening and why! To explain this is so important "Consequence" , "Be a Leader" , that and this is the most important, to me, "1 SHOT!" No not in reference to being a sniper either! but the fact that if you f* up once that's all you have! Is 1 shot at life! Why waste it on doing stupid shit! I try say that I F*D up and now I have to deal with what I did! I didn't do somethings right, and now I have to struggle on a daily basis because of that. Explaining, and trying to get a point across visually is a huge deal! When my kids get ready for High School, I'm going to take them on a ride to a nice little place called Camden! Camden, is the 2nd worse place in these United states to live! for many a reason! You want shocking! the 8 year olds dealing and shit like that! I want to scare the piss out of them!
Last edited by ripsid; 07-21-2003 at 07:11 AM.
What is wrong with you people? I would definately be out there running every day of the week if someone was willing to pay enough...I think it was an ingenius idea and the guy has hosted 18 hunts then he is the man. The man is 100,000 richer for hiring prostitutes
Okay, well as offensive as that may seem to some, and of course tons of women would protest against this, personally I don't find anything wrong with it.
I know that might sound harsh or wut not to some people, but SERIOUSLY come on and think about the whole situation. You have TONS of porno's out there with guys shooting their loads all over girls faces, forcing them to swallow, fake abuse videos, mad bondage and dominatrix stuff going on, and people complain about THIS SHIT?!?! You gotta be kiddin me.
NO ONE is forcing these women to participate. Why don't people seem to understand that?! Moral law tells us that when someone performs in a situation, which does not affect anyone else, and does not do any serious damage to ones self, then there is nothing wrong with it. Now of course that goes to some extend, but it is a good basis to follow. These women CHOOSE to do this shit themselves, and obviously want to do it.
Why the hell don't the damn authorities and "rights" groups focus all their fucken energy on more serious drug and crime cases that are going on. God dammit all this shit pisses me off, there are so many damn stupid people in this world. Now i'm going off topic, and this has nothing to do with this post but FUCKKKKK!!! Man I'm just in a pissed mood, but fucken assholes all over the place!
Not to mention, the other day I ran across a website with people talking bullshit about how movies and music affect young children, and turn them into monsters n shit. One father was SO retarded, he was asking if Bad Boys 2 has nudity in it, but all the killing and excessive excessive swearing and racial comments was totally okay, just seeing a pair of tities would be terrible!! As if that would be the fatally dramatic for the 14 year old's mind. Dumb fuck doesn't realize his son prbbly watches tons of porn and jerks off on a daily basis!!!
What ever fucken happened to kids parents huh?!?! Parents are SOOOOOOO fucken lazy these days (not all, i'm not refering to any of the AR parents), but seriously, some are so lazy and stupid, they will just fucken blame anything they can! Oh, the shooting at Columbine was caused by fucken music and action movies?!? Dumbass fucken PARENTS COULDN'T RAISE THEIR FUCKEN KIDS STRAIGHT, THATS WUT HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the ramble, got a bit carried away ...![]()
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