32y,179 x 86kg bf 9%. I'm looking to start my fourth cycle. I ran 2 test only and a test + var cycle. My last cycle was over 1 year ago.
I'm interested to cut at 6% bf, increase vascularity, hardness and not gain much weight, with some muscle mass and strengh.
I'm thinking to: 1-12 test E 500 3-12 Mast e 400 mg. Adex 0.5 e3d
Option 2 Test P 100 mg EOD, Mast P 100 mg eod 1-8 week.
Option 3 1-12 test C 400 Mast e 400 mg. Adex 0.5 e3d
Option 4 Test C / E 1-12 200/250 Mast 400/500/600mg ? No AI
How to Run test P as kick-start? Add 1-3 75mg eod?
Pct standard nolva 40/20/20/20 clomid 75/50/50/25.