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Thread: Desperately need marketing tips for UK, US, CA and AUS

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Fiskevatten Desperately need marketing... 02-23-2020, 07:13 PM
MecGen I can't help with your... 02-23-2020, 07:37 PM
Fiskevatten Thanks man, appreciate it! ... 02-23-2020, 09:00 PM
The road Time of day is a big one too.... 02-23-2020, 10:29 PM
The road Find the specific demographic... 02-23-2020, 10:24 PM
Fiskevatten This is GOLD! Thank you very... 02-24-2020, 02:59 AM
The road I HAAAATE google ads. ... 02-24-2020, 03:32 AM
The road Btw is... 02-24-2020, 03:37 AM
The road I hate facebook too btw. I... 02-24-2020, 03:41 AM
The road Its also advised you dont use... 02-24-2020, 04:02 AM
The road Craigslist is dead in the US... 02-24-2020, 04:08 AM
Fiskevatten Sweet, this is quality... 02-24-2020, 04:49 AM
The road Your demographic should be... 02-24-2020, 05:03 AM
Fiskevatten How the F did you know we... 02-24-2020, 05:37 AM
The road an add like that might be... 02-24-2020, 05:07 AM
Fiskevatten I appreciate the answer, but... 06-07-2022, 11:14 PM
Honkey_Kong So you're the Nigerian Prince... 06-08-2022, 02:43 PM
Fiskevatten I just need help transfer my... 06-09-2022, 10:22 PM
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Desperately need marketing tips for UK, US, CA and AUS

    I know the question is unorthodox, but I hope I can ask within the limit of not breaking any rules.

    I have been offered to become a part-time owner for a company soon and I would love to
    do the little extra to prove my worth.
    One of these is to get a large amount of new virtual operators to the company (marketing job posts).

    I'm only in need of native english speaking countries, preferably the US.

    Issue is that both FB ads and Google Ads are a damn expensive hassle, and normal job
    posting sites on FB get overrun with scammers so my ads doesn't get seen.

    Any recommendations here except hiring a marketing firm?
    Would love to reach Craigslist, Indeed, Jobspider etc.. but hard as a non-US citizen.
    Upwork is great - but we only accept Payoneer since we have a contract with them and that is not an option there.

    Investigating, but would love some help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    I'm only in need of native english speaking countries, preferably the US.
    I can't help with your question directly but just a heads up, Canada is a Bilingual country and doing business in Canada implies doing business in two languages, French and English.

    If you are marketing from a " WWW " standpoint, it's less strict (if any regulations are enforced).

    good luck

    Sent from my SM-T590 using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MecGen View Post
    I can't help with your question directly but just a heads up, Canada is a Bilingual country and doing business in Canada implies doing business in two languages, French and English.

    If you are marketing from a " WWW " standpoint, it's less strict (if any regulations are enforced).

    good luck

    Sent from my SM-T590 using Tapatalk
    Thanks man, appreciate it!

    Yes, it's a www standpoint.
    We try to get virtual operators who speak fluent english and live in native english countries.

    Most our operators now are non-natives between semi fluent or not at all.
    This brings down the quality too much since our customers are mainly americans.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2007
    Time of day is a big one too.
    8 AM sunday is great for selling a lotta shit but nobodys buying kinky lingerie at 8AM on sunday, besides me. An ad like that would be 10x as good on an evening primetime or late at night.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    I know the question is unorthodox, but I hope I can ask within the limit of not breaking any rules.

    I have been offered to become a part-time owner for a company soon and I would love to
    do the little extra to prove my worth.
    One of these is to get a large amount of new virtual operators to the company (marketing job posts).

    I'm only in need of native english speaking countries, preferably the US.

    Issue is that both FB ads and Google Ads are a damn expensive hassle, and normal job
    posting sites on FB get overrun with scammers so my ads doesn't get seen.

    Any recommendations here except hiring a marketing firm?
    Would love to reach Craigslist, Indeed, Jobspider etc.. but hard as a non-US citizen.
    Upwork is great - but we only accept Payoneer since we have a contract with them and that is not an option there.

    Investigating, but would love some help.
    Find the specific demographic you are looking for and fine tune it with fb ads.

    Lets say I am seeking upper middle class homeowners.

    When I choose their interests it would be something like this...
    Wine tasting, Real estate, Investing, adventure travel, etc.

    It WON'T be the things my business is about.
    Those paid ads get forced in their face regardless.

    Sure I could broad spectrum it and hit more people and get ass tons of likes and views from people who have nothing to do with it and won't be doing any business.
    Especially if the demographic is older keep it that way. It weeds out the trolls the older the demographic is.

    Google paid ads are stupid and expensive. Most search up "xxxx" and scroll right past the ads without looking to whatever options are in their area.

    The #1 thing I have found is make a damn video!

    Pictures are useless unless they are completely related and someting no one has seen.

    Most people have auto play on facebook and when they scroll to your ad you want that video to suck them in pronto.
    You have about one second to grab their attention and you can keep it for about 10 seconds if you have something they've never seen at a 50% rate.

    It gets plenty if trolls no matter what you do. You just ignore them or be friendly back. It wont be long and others do your dirty work for you.

    Negative comments have gotten me more attention than any positive words.

    Make a company page and be sincere rather than be a salesman. Be straight up and explain heres the deal...this is my career...please be friendly and please share if you like what you see.

    Once you find something that people share the organic reach hits 10x the paid reach.

    I have gotten 50,000 views off $60.

    The area can be vital too.
    If you are selling rolexes, no need to advertise in bfe.

    Use FTO option (fast take off) and use a starting budget that is 2x what you want to spend. Let it run for a day or two and crank it back down to what your budget is.

    Never run the ad long.
    After it has been ran 4x the cost per click for that ad will increase.

    You can also join a shit ton of groups that allow posting personal ads.

    Post the ad directly to the business page and share it to the groups from your personal account.
    You want to look like mom and pop shop if doing thst so choose your words wisely and sincerely.
    You damn sure cant be a salesman in a group without etting scoffed at. Though like I said it can be essential.

    Every time someone posts a comment on a group post it is bumped to the top and everyone sees it.

    I have tinkered with a lotta shit but nothing has paid off like fb ads.

  6. #6
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Find the specific demographic you are looking for and fine tune it with fb ads.

    Lets say I am seeking upper middle class homeowners.

    When I choose their interests it would be something like this...
    Wine tasting, Real estate, Investing, adventure travel, etc.

    It WON'T be the things my business is about.
    Those paid ads get forced in their face regardless.

    Sure I could broad spectrum it and hit more people and get ass tons of likes and views from people who have nothing to do with it and won't be doing any business.
    Especially if the demographic is older keep it that way. It weeds out the trolls the older the demographic is.

    Google paid ads are stupid and expensive. Most search up "xxxx" and scroll right past the ads without looking to whatever options are in their area.

    The #1 thing I have found is make a damn video!

    Pictures are useless unless they are completely related and someting no one has seen.

    Most people have auto play on facebook and when they scroll to your ad you want that video to suck them in pronto.
    You have about one second to grab their attention and you can keep it for about 10 seconds if you have something they've never seen at a 50% rate.

    It gets plenty if trolls no matter what you do. You just ignore them or be friendly back. It wont be long and others do your dirty work for you.

    Negative comments have gotten me more attention than any positive words.

    Make a company page and be sincere rather than be a salesman. Be straight up and explain heres the deal...this is my career...please be friendly and please share if you like what you see.

    Once you find something that people share the organic reach hits 10x the paid reach.

    I have gotten 50,000 views off $60.

    The area can be vital too.
    If you are selling rolexes, no need to advertise in bfe.

    Use FTO option (fast take off) and use a starting budget that is 2x what you want to spend. Let it run for a day or two and crank it back down to what your budget is.

    Never run the ad long.
    After it has been ran 4x the cost per click for that ad will increase.

    You can also join a shit ton of groups that allow posting personal ads.

    Post the ad directly to the business page and share it to the groups from your personal account.
    You want to look like mom and pop shop if doing thst so choose your words wisely and sincerely.
    You damn sure cant be a salesman in a group without etting scoffed at. Though like I said it can be essential.

    Every time someone posts a comment on a group post it is bumped to the top and everyone sees it.

    I have tinkered with a lotta shit but nothing has paid off like fb ads.
    This is GOLD! Thank you very very much, will start on the video asap - actually had that in mind and feels great to hear it from you as well.
    A lot of these advices is totally contradicting to what I have done, which explains why I haven't received enough.

    Company just paid 31000 USD in Google Ads and it doesn't bring in anything at all, they are rude as f*ck and lock each ad
    we have for no reason except minor faults.
    Calling them and they hang up in the ear when they can't answer.

    Had no idea about the time-of-day marketing as well.
    Hopes are up, thank you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    This is GOLD! Thank you very very much, will start on the video asap - actually had that in mind and feels great to hear it from you as well.
    A lot of these advices is totally contradicting to what I have done, which explains why I haven't received enough.

    Company just paid 31000 USD in Google Ads and it doesn't bring in anything at all, they are rude as f*ck and lock each ad
    we have for no reason except minor faults.
    Calling them and they hang up in the ear when they can't answer.

    Had no idea about the time-of-day marketing as well.
    Hopes are up, thank you!
    I HAAAATE google ads.
    Google has the shittiest customer service and highest per click cost of anything I have ever used.
    Im not made of money and I paid hundreds in ads that brought one alleged call which was a telemarketer.

    Their layout fking sucks on googlemybusiness.

    The way to fully optimize facebook ads is from

    They it is the most optimizable and customizable platform I have seen.

    Look into installing "facebook pixel" into your webpage. It allows you to analyze the traffic from each ad and re adjust.

    The business.facebook platform is confusing to a seasoned marketeer. Its complex and its a good thing.

    Hell, I got locked out of google twice by trying to sign in the first few times.

    "Someone will call you to assist you in 24 hours..."

    2 fucking weeks later I got a call.

    I was in the middle of a job and said fuck off I dont care because your sevice sucks and no way I would use it again.

    My highest counts for a month of picture ads on facebook were maybe 7-10 k.

    My first decent video brought 50k.

    The whole key is they gotta be eye grabbing and stay that way until your point is across.

    Depending in what you are marketing tik-tok is another growing platform that is way ahead of the curve.

    The slanteyes were smart enough to realize that with all todays shit, the only thing that mattered was the "15 second window."

    On youtube you have the 15 sec window to get someones attention.

    Well... no one gives a shit anymore.
    They will watch their desired info on youtube for however long and dgaf.

    Tik-tok has 15 second videos as a default.
    You grab attention,make your point and the video is mostly over before they swipe to the next.

    Tik-tok is damn addicting especially to generation Z.
    If you seek a very young demographic try that.

    Facebook lets you target just about anyone if you study up enough.

    Beware of facebooks advertising policies.
    They have shitty support too but I was just temporarily shut off because of a violation I never would have imagined.

  8. #8
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    Btw is not reall necessary at first.
    You can still customize very well from the standard ap.
    The full business manager is more like a perfecting point once you have the basics.

  9. #9
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    I hate facebook too btw.
    I despise the shit there but I cant leave it. I have to advertise there because nothing has come close.

    50-75% of my biz is word of mouth but that 25 percent ads give is what makes me grow.

  10. #10
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    Its also advised you dont use more than one interest per ad until you have your demographic narrowed to a T.

    So you can run 5 smaller ads with one interest each and see which gets the most interactions. Then try more and more.

    It will take a bit of time to perfect and a lotta work.

    This link is pretty much exactly how to use facebook to its fullest extent.

    It gives instruction for the pixel and business manager too.

    The website visitor tracker (pixel) is just awesome to narrow down the demographics of actual visitors. That way you know who to seek out in future ads.

  11. #11
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    Craigslist is dead in the US btw.
    Facebook marketplace killed it.

    I would love to know what you are marketing.
    You can be vauge. I dont need a name or anything but a product or industry might be helpful to determine the baseline demographic.

  12. #12
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Craigslist is dead in the US btw.
    Facebook marketplace killed it.

    I would love to know what you are marketing.
    You can be vauge. I dont need a name or anything but a product or industry might be helpful to determine the baseline demographic.
    Sweet, this is quality sharing and I really appreciate you for it!

    Right now we need virtual chat operators.
    They can be from any parts of the world, just no Africa because of quality issues and scams.
    However, we seek english natives since we need the quality of the written language, too many grammar and word-mistakes by non-natives.
    They will work online from their own computer when and where they want, and will receive commission for each message sent.

    Now, I personally believe that I can save this company a lot of money by take heed to advice like yours.
    How you talk is how my old mentors talked, and they are truly successful.
    I tried to pitch this 10 minutes ago and got backlash...
    They want to hire a marketing company regardless (mostly because they don't want to take a shot on me)

    I have a few inventions coming up that I've made myself.
    So this is great! Then I can use salary, and if they f*ck me over I can start and resume my own business.
    Probably tools for carpenting, home inventions or medical inventions.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    Sweet, this is quality sharing and I really appreciate you for it!

    Right now we need virtual chat operators.
    They can be from any parts of the world, just no Africa because of quality issues and scams.
    However, we seek english natives since we need the quality of the written language, too many grammar and word-mistakes by non-natives.
    They will work online from their own computer when and where they want, and will receive commission for each message sent.

    Now, I personally believe that I can save this company a lot of money by take heed to advice like yours.
    How you talk is how my old mentors talked, and they are truly successful.
    I tried to pitch this 10 minutes ago and got backlash...
    They want to hire a marketing company regardless (mostly because they don't want to take a shot on me)

    I have a few inventions coming up that I've made myself.
    So this is great! Then I can use salary, and if they f*ck me over I can start and resume my own business.
    Probably tools for carpenting, home inventions or medical inventions.
    Your demographic should be fairly easy to reach.

    Its a help wanted ad I could put in groups.
    Demographic would be mostly 20-40 year olds.

    ""Startup company seeking chat operators, limited positions available, competitive pay, work from home possibilities. This is a serious job for well spoken people. We need fast typists schooled on "xxx".
    This is a serious post so please no negative, this can be a great oppotunity for the right person interested.
    Visit our page at and file your resume. Please share this with anyone you might know who is up to the task. ""

    In reality though... Idk why they are seeking amarketing company when they should probably just hire a temporary help staffing company.
    They are all over in the US and I imagine 30k would buy a lotta employees.

  14. #14
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Your demographic should be fairly easy to reach.

    Its a help wanted ad I could put in groups.
    Demographic would be mostly 20-40 year olds.

    ""Startup company seeking chat operators, limited positions available, competitive pay, work from home possibilities. This is a serious job for well spoken people. We need fast typists schooled on "xxx".
    This is a serious post so please no negative, this can be a great oppotunity for the right person interested.
    Visit our page at and file your resume. Please share this with anyone you might know who is up to the task. ""

    In reality though... Idk why they are seeking amarketing company when they should probably just hire a temporary help staffing company.
    They are all over in the US and I imagine 30k would buy a lotta employees.
    How the F did you know we were haha
    If you only knew how close you were there regardless, slut included for sure.
    In other words, virtual is used instead of "fantasy"

    Agree with the picture, no one cares about what they see each day - I know I don't.
    Empty soul scrolling is a part of life, until you find one certain aspect of one certain thing that feels new, funny or sexy.

    Amen on the using marketing company... I have yet to find a company that listen to the little guy.

    I've always had a similar thought of my inventions.
    If I can get 50 000 people to see my ad, and 1-5% buy, that would be enough for me to have a great start and make the next one.
    However, what scares me is if one of those 50 000 feels like "I got cash and can copy that", then I got very limited time I guess.
    Patent works crap if you don't sit on a mountain of cash for lawyers.

  15. #15
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    How the F did you know we were haha
    If you only knew how close you were there regardless, slut included for sure.
    In other words, virtual is used instead of "fantasy"

    Agree with the picture, no one cares about what they see each day - I know I don't.
    Empty soul scrolling is a part of life, until you find one certain aspect of one certain thing that feels new, funny or sexy.

    Amen on the using marketing company... I have yet to find a company that listen to the little guy.

    I've always had a similar thought of my inventions.
    If I can get 50 000 people to see my ad, and 1-5% buy, that would be enough for me to have a great start and make the next one.
    However, what scares me is if one of those 50 000 feels like "I got cash and can copy that", then I got very limited time I guess.
    Patent works crap if you don't sit on a mountain of cash for lawyers.
    An invention would be fun to advertise.
    Then a video can be made that sells quick.

    I assumed slut puppy because I know you.

  16. #16
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    an add like that might be better off with a genric photo of a hot ass woman in formal wear that is showing cleavage and wearing a headset.

    I can put on something sexy and send you the picture...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxxx17 View Post
    We can't really help you here, because it's better to go to the experts. But remember before you open your own business, that the business should not only be desirable, but also responsible. And not that I teach some people, and then teach others. Well, I better keep my opinion to myself. I recently opened florida llc myself, and now I have a lot of responsibility. I'm trying to be more organized and not screw up.
    I appreciate the answer, but the post is 2 years old haha.. Working on new projects these days and so far it's going well, best of luck to you as well bro

  18. #18
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    I appreciate the answer, but the post is 2 years old haha.. Working on new projects these days and so far it's going well, best of luck to you as well bro
    So you're the Nigerian Prince that's been emailing everybody in the world.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    So you're the Nigerian Prince that's been emailing everybody in the world.
    I just need help transfer my huge amount of gold stored in a wooden box so that my cold-hearted father who killed my uncle don't get the hands on them.
    Just sharing an opportunity.
    Occasionally I wanna marry white older women as well.

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