So just finished up a var only cycle.
I'm on TRT prescribed gel since about 2 years ago.
I went about 9 weeks...almost....8 weeks and a few days to be more exact. 75mg ed. I added anastrolzol, half a tab eod, the last couple weeks as I felt like I needed it.
My last var was tuesday of last week. Last night while doing squats....more specifically squats with a seated right knee started hurting. Its like right on the knee cap....not the sides or top/bottom. My trainer said it could be because of the var and fast muscle growth and the ligaments haven't kept up with the growth.
I did the same var only cycle last year and never noticed this issue. Anyone had anything like this happen? I guess it could be any AAS that could trigger the weaker ligaments issue. Just seems weird in came on after my cycle ended.
I haven't had post bloodwork done yet. I think I have one scheduled in 3 weeks as I didn't want my numbers to be high again from the var.
Also, again I'm 55, so maybe its just old age. lol