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Thread: 250mg Testo-E and then taking 125mg.

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  1. #1

    250mg Testo-E and then taking 125mg.

    As the title says I'm on 250mg testo-E which I have been for 5 months. I just recently run out of gear and I only had 125mg to inject for my last shot and today I will get a new vail again. I inject every 5 days and have no intention to go off anytime soon due to the mental and physical benefits I get together with training, work, and an overall healthy lifestyle.

    So then my question is, is there a big issue going down to the half dosage (125mg) once and then up 250mg again with my coming shot?
    Last edited by MrAgust; 11-30-2021 at 02:03 AM. Reason: Correcting a word that became another word do to "auto-spell".

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MrAgust View Post
    As the title says I'm on 250mg testo-E which I have been for 5 months. I just recently run out of gear and I only had 125mg to inject for my last shot and today I will get a new vail again. I inject every 5 days and have no intention to go off anytime soon due to the mental and physical benefits I get together with training, work, and an overall healthy lifestyle.

    So then my question is, is there a big issue going down to the half dosage (125mg) once and then up 250mg again with my coming shot?
    I don't think there's any problem, actually with less it's better because depending on it provides physiological levels of testosterone that your body would manufacture on its own.

  3. #3
    Thank you very much mister. My thought was if it could trigger gyno if I went down then up again because of unstable fluctuation in my testo-level from one shot to the next shot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Unless you are the most gyno prone person on the planet, this should not be a problem. Gyno typically takes time to occur, or some specific compound to cause a flare up.

    250mg per week.... that is either a hefty TRT dose or a tiny cycle dose. Either way, you would likely benefit from two shots a week, 125mg each, to smooth peaks and valleys.

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