3 months after the cycle i got the break outs, which lead to sores that wouldnt stop bleeding for another 3 months, the scabs u see now is liquid banadage to slwo down the bleeding, o yea it wa smuch worse before, im takign accutane now![]()
3 months after the cycle i got the break outs, which lead to sores that wouldnt stop bleeding for another 3 months, the scabs u see now is liquid banadage to slwo down the bleeding, o yea it wa smuch worse before, im takign accutane now![]()
wow dude, that's horrible
i've never been prone to acne...but i am prone to gyno (in fact i already have some nipple lumps leftover from puberty)
and i'm ultra prone to hairloss (receding hairline, father nearly bald)...my hair is FAR more important to me than any quick, possibly shortterm muscle gains
I'm severely prone to acne, and i've never seen ANYTHING like that before.
Originally Posted by bdtr
Again, dittoOriginally Posted by bdtr
What did the dermatologist say? And maybe try using acne meds while on AS next time, huh? Works for me.
what kind of gear were you using?
yea ive never seen acne that bad, id get that checked by doctor if u already havent...
i dont think this is acne... my acne broke up badly on my chest with huge tits and i never seen something that bad on my chest... :P
Have you been around any vermin lately? Thats gotta be the first case of the Plague ive ever seen.
lol. I was thinking the same thing. Im seeing what state he lives in right now just so I can quarontine him if he comes near me.Originally Posted by bigol'legs
Damn. I was gonna tell him to lay out in the sun and let the sun dry em out but that is not even gonna come close to getting rid of that.
Dude, Honostly have you seen a Dr. ive only seen shit like that in my STD class. Im trying not to offend but that is some really bad stuff dude.
liquid bandage ?
Last edited by gundam675; 07-30-2003 at 05:41 PM.
so the little ugly white lumps are not a fungus, but liquid bandage.Originally Posted by synthetic
are you sure you got this from AS?
Dude, did you go to a dermatologist for that? That looks really brutal, in fact it looks like a shotgun wound i got from rock salt as a kid trespassing.
I'm no Dr. but that's NOT acne. Looks more like leporcy (spelling) or something along those lines.
Shit that's horrible !
But i'm sure that's not acne...
nah that could be acne. i know a guy who's got craters all over his face, shoulders, and right between his bitch tits from his teenage acne years
Hope for your sake that the Accutane kicks in quick, that shit usually does wonders for most.
I hope you went to the doctor... that doesn't look like ance to me.
Could it possibly be a staph infection? Bump for a doc.
that looks insane..never in my life have i seen someting like that..and i worked in a hostpital ER!
as everyone above has said, you should get that checked out asap if you haven't already!
yes ive seen the doc, thats how i got the accutane, and remember this is a pic after a little improvement. now why is it yellowish?--its liquid bandage, the new crazy glue liek stuff for humans, i use it to cover the open soresOriginally Posted by halifaxsteve
my previosu cycle was........
1-5 30mg e.d. dbol
1-10 500mg sust
6-9 75mg fina ed
10 200mg fina ed
8-12 nolva i forgot dosage
11-14 clomid forgot dosage
200 mgs of fina ed bro damn even for a week thats still alot
at least for a while, in my life, on that cycle, i felt liek godOriginally Posted by wrstlr69sdnl
and i'm sure that feeling was worth that savage, grotesque, horrendous cesspool of filth on your chest... no offense though. I hope it gets better man
well all i can do is let it heal, and i sort of worsen it when i workout on chest...so maybe i should stop benching for a while, but i wonder what exercise i can do to maintain chest/tri strength![]()
Ya you might wanna stop working chest, I think maybe that stuff is leeching and living off you pec muscles. Did you heat the needle BEFORE you lanced the boils?
Acne is understood to be an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin. Acne can range from the facial acne we understand acne "to be," to awful pustuls, which can be large pus-filled lesions. To broaden everyones knowledge of how bad acne can be here is a website (Bad Acne Pictures), however, I will warn that they are very graphic and some may not wish to view them.
WTF?! Doc, you have got to be kidding me! That stuff in those pics is ACNE? Damn. I thought the small breakouts I get every once in a while were bad. Kind of puts things in perspective.![]()
I know where your coming from with the acne my acne is almost that bad but not quite. The only time my acne ever looks that bad is if I pick at it which my Dr. advised me not to do that only makes it worse. If you've got a good dermatologist they can inject a steroid directly into the pimples and that will shrink them in a couple of days. I don't know what the steroid shot is called. I'm in my fourth month of accutaine treatment and it still ain't working that well for me and I think that it's because I ran a cycle in the middle of my treatment. Get you some Pantothenic Acid from the supplement store and take about 3000mgs a day that's something that has helped me a little but I haven't taklen it that long.
doc...those pics are repulsive.
one thing I cant understand is why your breakout would start 3 months after your cycle??
WTFFFFFFFFFFF?? That looks like flesh-eating disease to me. I feel for ya bro.
WOW Bro i hope you recover fast, good luck in the future...XXL
friggin A, I see the rethink now... dude get well...never seen anything that bad... I have very very oily skin normally and don't have any acne...
But I will break out if I don't take at least three showers a day... not sure if that helps but one in the morning one before training so my skin can breath (I'm so oily I shine) and one before bed...
Last edited by mmaximus25; 08-04-2003 at 06:31 AM.
I'm the same way bro.Originally Posted by mmaximus25
holy jeezus son of god
ceps, i think you read my mind. i once had a short case of "bad acne" that left some marks in the end, but wow. after looking at that, i'll consider myself a lot luckier than i used to.
Please be careful with Accutane. I hope your doctor warned you that users are prone to depression, and there is a lot of evidence of users making suicide attempts. I heard recently there is a topical version of Accutane that avoids that side effect, but I don't know for sure. There's even a website specifically for people suffering depression brought on by Accutane (!) - http://www.accutane-suicide-help.com .
Good luck!
up date, only 2 open wounds now all the pink is scarring
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