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Thread: Fina/Prop/T3 Final review

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Under your bed.

    Fina/Prop/T3 Final review

    Ok need some final input....

    weeks 1-10
    Prop 150mg EOD
    Nolvadex @ 10mg a day

    weeks 2-10
    Fina 75mg EOD
    (starting Fina 2 weeks after Test because it's my first time with Fina and I want to run it a shorter time, as well as let the test hit my system to keep libido in check before Fina arrives to fuck with it)

    weeks 5-10
    T3 tapering

    3 days after last injection
    Clomid PCT therapy 300/100/50

    1 cycle previous test/eq for 5 weeks (meant for 10 weeks but short lived, i fucked it up and now learned my lesson)
    6'2 and 205lbs
    17% bodyfat
    5 years training natural

    This is geared more towards a cutting cycle, so I know diet and cardio must be the most important part of this cycle. Most shun off from cardio on cycle, but since I'm running the T3 it brings a new concern into the equasion; doing enough cardio to loose some nice body fat while on the T3.

    What would you guys recomend from first hand experience on cardio, calorie intake, etc during a cycle like this.

    I have read tons of theories but I'm looking for some first hand experience from vets, mods, seniors, or anyone whos actually ran a cutting cycle with good results.

    I want to make sure I'm gaining as much muscle as possible, but only quality muscle and really would like to cut body fat 3-5%.

    Any feedback would be helpfull...

    I will not be starting this cycle for another week-2 weeks so I have time to gather more feedback and info.

    Rock on.
    Last edited by Ambulance; 10-17-2003 at 10:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    A cage in the Zoo!
    As for cardio i think 30min AM 3-4x a week would work great or if you're like me just do it right after your workout.

    As for diet keep it clean. Theirs no magic number of cals, eat a tond of chicken, tuna, lean meats, rice, veggies and fruit. Get in a good protein shake 1-2x a day and you should easily reach your goal!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    cycle looks good, its a long time though too be jabing yourself that frequently, since your using prop i would do a shorter one, keep the cals low, i would add a stimulant in there too, it will help with curbing your apetite, take either eca or clen, eat less a 500 calorie per day deficiency will cause you to lose about 2lbs per week, thats after you add up all the calories you consume and subtract the amount you are burning, chicken ceaser salad with calorie free dressing is good, fish, lean meats, and protien shakes. water, multi vitamin are also good to keep in mind that you will need to be uping the doses on

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Under your bed.
    I would love to run clen but i recently ended up in the hospital about 3 weeks ago the first day i took it. It knocked out my potasium but it was homebrew that was largly overdosed. I think I might try some spiropent since it's easier to dose.

    Thanks for the replies guys this sounds excellent! Bump for more replies guys
    Last edited by Ambulance; 10-19-2003 at 09:25 PM.

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