I know that most people say to run 1-AD with 4-AD, but if I use 1-TU do I have to use 4-AD with that to????/?
I know that most people say to run 1-AD with 4-AD, but if I use 1-TU do I have to use 4-AD with that to????/?
1-AD converts to 1-Testosterone (which 1-TU is).
It is generally recommended you stack 1-AD or 1-Test with 4-AD becuase it combats the sides, like lethargy and limp dick.
Make sure you do proper PCT.
let em know of your results and stats before and after.. im thinking of doingf the same thing(1 tu)
train hard live long
whats a good pct to do with 1ad and 4ad
i think 6oxo would be good but why bother when you get nolva for cheaper and it works better
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