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Thread: Test-E vs. Test-E & EQ

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Test-E vs. Test-E & EQ

    i'm going to be going on my 1st cycle (12wks) real soon and wanted to do test-e (500mg) and eq (400mg) together. but may just only do test-e (500) to see how my body reacts.

    i am just curious as to what you guys would think the differences (in terms of different side effects and differences in muscle gain or size, water retention, strength, and hunger) would be on the test alone vs. test and eq. i know that everyone's bodies are different and people react differently, but there are generalities that are usually pretty accurate such as deca will give you more water retention than eq, etc... any help would really be appreciated. thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    EQ takes too long for a first cycle.
    1-10 @ 250mg'll bbe happy on just that if you eat, sleep, and Train correctly.

  3. #3
    I think that cycle looks pretty good, I think 500mg of test is a good start. Dont start too high because like you said your body could react differently to it. 400mg of EQ is good enough for your first cycle. Like TSW said if you eat,train,and sleep correctly you should see some good gains. Test e and eq you will have water retention, but not as much if you used Sust250 and Deca. Remember you PCT and be safe. Good luck


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Start with just the Test, if you train right, eat and sleep right you will see great gain, My first cycle I ran Test Enanthate for 8 weeks at 400mg per weeks and I kept about 20 lbs of it. I gained 26 lbs and lost 6 lbs due to water so thats not too bad. Leave the EQ until next cycle bud.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I went agains the "norm" and I am running test e and EQ for my first cycle, however they are lower doses then normal. Im on wk 4 and cant wait for it to kick in!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    I went agains the "norm" and I am running test e and EQ for my first cycle, however they are lower doses then normal. Im on wk 4 and cant wait for it to kick in!
    consistency, you're a great one to talk to since you're kinda in the same boat as me. did shooting your prop eod kill you? was it a big pain in the neck? i've never shot myself w/ anything before and am a little worried. did you gain anything at all on those 4 wks of prop...any sides also??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    thanks for all your replys. it looks like the straight test looks like it may be better for me only b/c it's my first cycle. what exactly would the eq do to the test? just out of curiosity. say someone was like on their 2nd cycle, what effects on their bodies would they have adding eq to their test only?? better recovery from workouts?? strengthening of ligaments and tendents? lubricating of joints and better feeling joints?? thanks.

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