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Thread: Xanax, sleep, growth? anyone?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Question Xanax, sleep, growth? anyone?

    Im training hard @ the mo, but am having trouble sleeping- I know the impotance of sleep & have tried to get some GHB / GBL to help- but no joy- I do however have loads of Xanax- anyone know of any probs this may give me in terms of Catabolism etc- as it is also a muscle relaxant- i dont think it sould cause any probs- waddya think- anyone got any other suggestions????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    See a doctor...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    Try some melatonin.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
    Try some melatonin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    deep south
    XANAX is so **** addictive bro, and you will see if you take that **** regularly you will sleep like 5 hours hard and then be up where you can't get back to sleep to save your life so what do you do then? well thats where adictction comes in you will have to take double the last dosage to benefit and so on, benzodiazapines are more addictive than smack trust me laugh now but when you are having seizures and shaking and slipping in and out of conciousness because you where eating like 10 a day then you run out you will thank me, I really don't want to comment on how I know this but knowledge is first hand in this instance, seizure,coma then rehab and I will never touch the **** again, I thought a football or a bar a day couldnt hurt me then i saw that I was in to it everyday for months and up to 15 bars a day the day of reckoning I ate 39 bars that will help you sleep. try not using caffine or ephedra at all and fully exhausting yourself NO STIMULANTS at all in your day, and if then if you cant sleep I would get the mind and spirit in check if there is something bothering you get it off your chest, If your life is stressful get a chair away from the bedroom and sit in it and ponder all of your worries then when you get up leave them there and train yourself to never think about stressful things when in the bedroom. I hope this will help a bit, It is how Ive dealt with insomnia and now I sleep like a **** professinal in bed by like 7-8 and wake up everyday at 6 good luck bro!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    deep south
    I looked into it and havent been able to find anything dealing with the catabolic effect of benzo's if there is an effect at all, but I do now a certain pro who is rumored to use ****loads of xanax and nubain as well as ecstacy and he is a big boy.

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