Was hoping for suggestions from the experienced. Was planning to stack these three but if not a good idea tell me otherwise. I have run several cycles and am currently 5' 9" at 190lb. and 7% BF. My current thought are like this.
Week 1-5 DBOL 25-35mg tapering up
week 1-6 Deca 300-500mg tapering up
week 5-10 Test E 500-800 mg tapering up
Followed by PCT...The only reason I am considering tapering up on these is because it always seems like in the past my body responds to the dosage within probably 2 weeks or so and the only way to really grow a lot furthur is to eat a little more or up the dosage a little bit. And Yes I do eat more during a cycle , as a matter of fact I already eat about 4000-5000 calories a day, mostly clean...But because of my meatbolism and the need for thyroid meds my bodu is like a furnace..hence the 7% BF. Thanks for any input.