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Thread: considering HGH

  1. #1

    Arrow considering HGH

    i have done aas befor, but never gh, now i got a source for a 5 months supply of jintropin, but i know nothing about it. i would like to know

    1. How long do the resluts last?
    2. should i stack it with aas, if so which?
    3. how long is the cycle, is 5 months too long?
    4. Is it good fro my age, or is it just a wast of money?

    i am 25, 5'7", 165lb 17% bf, i have been trainning for 6 years, done 3 cycles of AAS, in pretty good shape, but would like to be a be 180 and a bit leaner, hopefully a six pack

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    First it seems you do not know what GH is used for so I will give you some info but you may want to start here also

    1. GH is not a short term deal you don't get the same type of benefits from GH that you would get from AAS.
    2. Should you stack with AAS? that depends on what you are trying to get from it. You need to give us detailed info on your goals, cycle history and such.
    3. 5 months too long?? Actually the opposite.. See about Pinn post.
    4. That is debatable and I will leave that to the experts but I would not spend the money at 25 years old and even less not really knowing what GH is you should spend that $1000+ someplace else.


  3. #3
    thanks for your advice old man.

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