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Thread: little help please

  1. #1

    little help please

    i'm planning on starting a "cycle" of hemaguno on next monday the 23rd. this will allow me to be done with pct by the time i head off to the boundry waters in canada with my old man far away from the weight room for 15 days. i woke up last night pissed as hell realizing that i get a lump removed out of my lip and my wisdom teeth taken out on the 22nd of may. i'll miss one workout, but i won't take the pain it stupid for me to be on hemaguno when i go under and will they use medication when i am out that could be harmful to a guy on/just comming off of hemaguno???



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    ok It took me a lil while to find out what this hemaguno is.

    The Compound is:

    Which is the same as Epistane. Exept they trick you and write it a diff way


    Now if you looks a few posts below this, you will see that Epistane has got some seriously bad reviews. If your going to cycle, dont waste your money, look into other things like SD or PP. Also i woudl wait until you get ur wisdom teeth done and the lil trip with the pops before you take the dive into any type of cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tampa Bay, FL.
    Welcome to the boards Bro!! Agree with K.Biz. Why chance anything do some more reseach, get your diet in check (if not already) and wait till you get back from your trip. Then you give it 110% with no worries. Good Luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    ok It took me a lil while to find out what this hemaguno is.

    The Compound is:

    Which is the same as Epistane. Exept they trick you and write it a diff way


    Now if you looks a few posts below this, you will see that Epistane has got some seriously bad reviews. If your going to cycle, dont waste your money, look into other things like SD or PP. Also i woudl wait until you get ur wisdom teeth done and the lil trip with the pops before you take the dive into any type of cycle.
    agreed epsitane isnt that great, and you should wait, being out of the gym for 15 days you are going to lose a lot of your gains you should just wait till you get back and get the most out of your cycle

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