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Thread: Need advice on my first cycle: Test Deca Dbol

  1. #1

    Need advice on my first cycle: Test Deca Dbol

    Hi, great board, have kearned a lot of things thank u!
    I'm form Bulgaria and I'm 22yo, 182lbs 8-9% BF, have been working out for 6 years and gained around 40lbs quality muscle. Now I think i'm ready to get some juice to add some more quality mass on my body. I'm cutting till the end of September and I'm now at 9%, started 2 month ago at 15% BF I'm researching from 4 months and planning to do my first cycle starting 8 or 15 Octomber:

    1-12 Omnadren 300mg/wk (3 shots x 100mg Mon, Wed, Fri)
    1-11 Deca Durabolin 200mg/wk (2 shots x 100mg Mon and Fri mixed with omna)
    1-4 Naposim 30mg/ed (3 times x 10mg per day)


    14-15 HCG 5000iu, 3000iu, 1500iu every 5 days
    15-18 - Clomid 100mg/day
    15-20 - Tamoxifen (Nolva) 20mg/day
    19-22 - Tribestan 2.5gr/day

    Here my explaination why I chosed this kind of sauce
    I can't get legit Test E or Cyp so I have to go with Omnadren or propionate
    I want to mix deca and test, to get some midlle anabolic and not too high androgen cycle. I don't want to put 30lbs of water and fat and I think i'm educated enought to can handle the sides from deca. I'm not a powerlifter and don't want 500mg test and dbol

    So what's ur opinions? Is this cycle can lead to good reasult with great diet, training routine and rest administered by well educated person?
    Now many tames per day u take ur Dbol?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hows your diet? I'd make sure it's bulletproof (and has been for a while) before considering AAS

  3. #3
    I'll starting at 3500cal and will up them every week with 150cal till I reach 4000cals. My protein intake will be 300-400gr, carbs around 400gr and as less fats as I can. 8 meals per day 4 real food and 4 shakes with mixed casein and whey and some complex carbs
    Last edited by palqkat; 09-07-2007 at 03:22 AM.

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