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Thread: Competition for a first timer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX

    Question Competition for a first timer

    I have decided to compete, and have begun my research on competitions. Problem is, I am 25 years old and juice about once or twice a year. I currently weigh 205 at a height of 5' 11" so, if I get in a natural contest will i fail the poly graph? I would rather not get in a natural competition because of the advantage i might have over natural athletes, but i am afraid if i get in a normal competition these dudes will blow me away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Depends on what organization you are going to compete in and what their rules are on AS. Some require being clean for a year, some for 7 years, some for lifetime.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Just go into a regular comp. Get into the best shape you can possibly be in. If you don't place, no big deal, I can promise that the accomplishment of getting into TRUE contest shape is a reward in itself. From that comp you can gauge what areas you need to work on and pick up from there.

    I think too many people discount exactly how hard it is to actually follow a strict contest diet. From my experience about 5% of the people who claim they want to compete actually follow through with it. Most can't handle the diet. There are far too many people in the crowd saying "I could be up there" or "my muscles (genetics) are better than that guys"....I hear it at every single show I've ever attended.

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