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Thread: (Chinese) IGF Powder form in the fridge: how long?

  1. #1

    (Chinese) IGF Powder form in the fridge: how long?

    I read a long time all the threads, but nothing was really clear about that: How long can I keep (Chinese, but I guess not Gensci) IGF in POWDER FORM in the fridge?
    I know it's better to put it in AA, I always did that, and it lasts 1-2 years, but since it's 100mcg bottles and disolve the powder needs at least 0.6ml, it will be more painful to inject, better to put NaCL when I'll need it, and keep the powder unopened..
    So my question is: How long can it be stored in the fridge in powder form?

    I apologize in advance if that troubles people here...


  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    In powder form non reconstituted 1 - 2 yrs, but I would defenitely contact your supplier and ask them.


  3. #3
    Thank you Gear, actually I wanted to PM you since you look to be the best source about this, but I couldn't (not enough "rights"I think? )...
    I contacted him, but he said he doesn't use IGF, just seller, so the only thing he knows is about putting AA and that's it..which I already knew reading this board for a long time..But I usually have 1mg, put something like 2,5ml, so that's 40mcg a day in 0,1 mL...
    But with so much powder, I can't put less than 0,6ml for that's like triple! and in a 1ml syringe, not so much space to mix with NaCL for easing pain...
    So I figured the best solution is, of course, put only NaCL, but it won't last more than a few weeks this way, and I don't intedn to use them that fast...So I had this problem...I thought: or I put AA and have the triple "amount" to inject, or I let in powder form and put NaCL when I intend to use it..But I was afraid if the powder will still be active by April or so (6 months then)...I prefer to inject triple with AA and don't lose my product, then lose it...

    Anyway, I think as well it will be ok in powder form in the fridge, especially since it's 100mcg bottles, it reminds me the GenSci ones, which lasts 1-2 years in powder I wrong?

    Thank you for your help ANYWAY

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