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Thread: Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    So, I was guided over here by the knowledgeable guys and gals on the steroids forum. Okay, so, I've tried to up my calories to gain weight, and it was a very mild success. But I had a lot of stomach discomfort in the process.

    I want a diet plan that gives me the biggest results in the least amount of time (yeah training plays a role to but that will be a different post). If I don't see noticeable results in a short period of time, I will quit that's what always happens.

    Also, I heard someone on this forum mention they eat 8 times a day, should you really do that? Does it mess up your digestion at all?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  2. #2
    BIGGEST RESULTS IN THE LEAST AMOUNT OT TIME !!! bro how longs a piece of string?

    what are ur stats

    b/f ?
    training experience?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    age? 23
    height? 6
    weight? 145
    b/f ? Don't know
    diet? Not one in place
    training experience mildly experienced
    goals want to be 190-200 pounds of muscle (mostly).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I Eat 8 times a day (Two of those meals are suppliment shakes), every 2 hours from 7 30 - 930, and im seeing great results. Research a little my friend. Stickys at the top of the forum are a good starting point. Pople here are willing to help you with advice and tweaking but you have to do some work and planning on your own.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Yeah, I suppose you're right. Would something like 3800 calories be sufficient to gain weight at a decent rate for someone like me? I've heard that the quickest gains are those that you make when you first start out, true? I want to gain more than 8lbs of muscle in a year, which is what I've heard is "extremely optimistic" from some people. That kind a scares me if that is also true.

  6. #6
    mex83's Avatar
    mex83 is offline " I Can Make Your Days And Nights Look Like Fantasy "
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    Jun 2008
    I think that your 3800 would do me more benefit tahn you bro.... you are at 145 , if im not mistaken that would be too much intake for you... you would be in the 2,000's ./..... Im a big dude at 6'0 and 299 when I started and my call intake had to be around 3,200 a day..... like EatLIftGrow states do a lot of ready and twicking and you will find out.... dont come in here and just ask for something cause people are going to give you the same response "READ THE STICKIES" trust me they help... when I came in here I was like you asking for a diet.... but I got the same response that you are getting..... bottom line read the stickies and post that other people post.... with there diet plans so you can get an idea of how to come up with your own diet it.... type it up along with the marcos and post it in here.... then have other memebers see it and give you comments.....

    another thing if they tell you to do one thing dont reply by givign them an explaination why you want to do it your way and not the way they are tellling you cause obviously if your way was right you wouldnt have to be posting here for help...

    My 2 cents.... lower your cal intake and get your diet in place along with with a work out plan..... also post if you are going to be doing it naturally or are you considering in doing cycles.

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