i am going to start taking tablet form steriods but i dont know what i should take i have researched it and i think anadrol sounds best?? what u think? dont want to do needles for a while.
i am going to start taking tablet form steriods but i dont know what i should take i have researched it and i think anadrol sounds best?? what u think? dont want to do needles for a while.
Definitely need some more info but oral only is not a good choice and is actually worse for your health than injectable steroids.
healthy eater take cellmass creatine and protein 40 to 80 grams of on shakes a day.
i bench free weight 80kg decline 90kg thanks 4 reply
Well at 6'2 and 166lbs you are not ready to cycle. Also 18 is way too young. Diet is your problem.
i am gettin big but nt quick enough
Yes sir^^^ what redz said. If you are that age and that light you gotta fix your diet. steroids do not equal muscle. Food equals muscle, steroids just make it easier. Get your weight up naturally then think about it. No point in being a lightweight on juice, kinda of embarrassing if you ask me
what would u advise thou for puttin on size. (tablets)
Forget tabs for now, you will not make good gains because your diet is the problem.what would u advise thou for puttin on size. (tablets)
Lay out your diet and we will help you improve it.
Nothing at your age. You are looking to harm your body.
Go to GNC and buy some whey protein, along with Multivitamins and fish oil.
And then go to the grocery store and spend about 200$ on chicken, fish, tuna, and steak.
Eat, eat, eat.
6'2 166. EAT!!
You have very high natural test levels at your age and are able to make extrodinary gains with just hard work and diet. If you eat lean calories like chicken and fish you will not get fat.
Because your body is full of testosterone at 18. I used to walk around the highschool and college with a beaming rod. You are in your prime time to build muscle. You won't put on fat having a healthy diet and doing the proper training. Steroids aren't a miracle man, you need dedication and lots of knowledge before even thinking about doing them.
Because you may fuvk your body up lol.........
thanks lads. what protein or wight gainer should i take?? would someone give me a list of supplements to take.? thanks
Listen to these guys Chrispy. They know what is going on. I was once there too and I made the smart decision to wait. Even if kids are doing it around you, if you get your diet on point (I CANNOT STRESS HOW FUKKING IMPORTANT A GOOD DIET IS) with a solid training program you will grow, maybe not as fast as the others but you potential in the long run will be better. I'm glad I waited cause now I blow all those kids out of the water that started early and I'm only 24 about to begin my second cycle. I focus on my diet so much and without it I would be nothing!! Trust me buddy it will serve you will.
I had alot of success with No2 and creatine when I was your age. Multi vits, fish oil and bcaa caps.
I could eat all i wanted at 18 and not gain a pound. Your metabolism has alot to do with it when your young. Come 21 youll prb start slowin down and gaining weight. these days an age all the 19 yr olds weigh 220 with 6 packs and all the girls have botox and fake jugs. I can see where it gets aggrevating to go natural.
cheers reed. u know what protein and all i should take?? i have noticed gd gains with cellmass creatine.
Opps a little late on the response but get you some quality food, don't rely on powder for growth only PWO for quick protein. I only use a shake 4-5 times a week PWO only
red meat (lean cuts)
barley oats
red potatos
sweet potatos
brown rice
olive oil
fish oil
almonds, cashews
Don't forget you fruits and veggies!! Broc, salad mixes, apples, bananas!!
Go down to the diet section and take a look around at the stickies Here I'll link you: http://forums.steroid.com/forumdisplay.php?f=6
any protein powder out there will do. Look into meal replacements as well
can i get big arms big chest and stil have gd six pac?? cause most m8s on gear do those who arent are big but no 6 pac
chrisp i like this stuff,, thng it taste good and pretty cheap
Its cause they probably eat like shit. If your diet is good with the sources up above and you do you calculations right you'll be fine. Remember to work out your legs TRUST ME. It will make you upper body grow substantially with your strength along. Squat, squat, squat. Do every part the same. 4 exercises 3 sets or whatever you do. Same with hamstrings and calves.
Be in it for the long run cause your body won't transform over night. And if those guys are big with no six pack visible I bet most there gains or size you see is just fat and water. Don't be concerned about weight, the mirror is the true judgement.
can i take a weight gainer and stil have a 6 pac??
Don't take a weight gainer thats a bunch of junk trust me. Use real food. It took me a while to learn the real deal and I'm still learning but all the hype around this and that product is just shit
All you need is for supplements: multivitamin, fish oil, creatine monohydrate or Kre Alkalyn creatine (don't use any other but those two), possibly a joint supplement if need be. Thats really all I use.
If you want a good NO2 product just use AAKG (buy it from NOW nutrition) and 200mg of caffeine pre workout w/ your creatine of course. No explode etc are all overpriced products in which you have no idea the doses you are taking of each. Those are my suggestions
thanks reed! do u know a website that has all of them and is relible and delivers to the uk
Can't say that I do but there a PLENTY of legit business when looking for supplements. Just look around you'll be fine. And just remember how important that diet is. Eat 6 meals a day broken up with even macros and you will grow. GO down to the diet section and try to work out something for yourself and post a diet and I'll see if I can help you. We have some super smart dudes (nutritionist) that will come in and give there input as well. ALright off to the gym for me!!! Be smart and get HUGE!!!!
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