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Thread: Test Propionate VS Sustanon?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Question Test Propionate VS Sustanon?

    I'm about to begin a cyle's gonna be an oral/injectable cycle...I already have the dbols ready...but I'm still undecided between Sustanon or Test Propionate....and what doses....I'm thinking for the Sustanon 500mg a week...please let me know which is better for solid gains...thanks..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    how long of a cycle is it going to be? How many times do you want to stick yourself?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Some things to consider:

    Test prop should be shot EOD or ED.
    Sust should be shot EOD.
    Sust is typically about 2x as expensive as Test Prop.

    This summer, Im personally going with a mix of 100mg Test Enanth/100mg Test Prop EOD. The enanth will help to keep blood levels a bit more steady then the use of Prop alone. I love prop as I hold hardly any water with it.

    Sust has a couple advantages to it, but the main one that stands out to me is how steady it keeps your blood test levels. I think mixing enanth/prop will acheive the same effect, and be a little easier on your wallet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    youre talking apples and oranges here bro......they are both test, true, but there the similarity ends.

    sustanon is blend of 4 esters with short and long acting forms of test. its extremely difficult to keep blood levels constant on the faster acting esters unless your shooting at least eod.
    prop is a fast acting aas all on its own, and requires frequent injections to get the most out of the drug.

    if youre wanting to use sustanon and arent willing to shoot often, then a single long chain ester, such as enanthate, or cyp is the way to go. likewise with the prop.........

    peace I4L

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    if you can get good sust (organon), i'd say go for it! otherwise, prop is sure you know how much you will should shoot approx. 1/2 cc of sust EOD (125mg every shot)...with the Prop 100mg ED or EOD would suffice....also, with my experinece, good quality sust is painless.....but prop is NOT

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