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Thread: Pin not going through

  1. #1

    Question Pin not going through

    Have you guys had any episode where it is really hard for the pin to get deep enough to inject? I have been working legs and glustes pretty intensely and today as I switched back to my right glute it seems as if I'm bumping against a wall when trying to get a pin in.

    I've switched pins two times and every time I get it to pinch the skin it seems as if it bumps against very sensitive and tough tissue. I can also feel the mucel in my quads and butt to be harder than prior to this week, I guess at least I should be glad to see some good results so far

    I might just switch back to my left glute but I would be interested to know if this is something common and if there's any technique or posture that helps with it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    On this site...
    Sounds like your tensing up? Try to relax the muscle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I've had the problem that my needle dosen't wanna go through the muscle, but when it goes in, its smooth as butter unless you hit a vein or a nerve,

    I've had some episode that i've injected 6-8 times, to do 1 injection in my quads, if I went too high wouldn't go through if I went into middle of leg it either hit a vein or a nerve, was a real pain.

    but if you're going inside the muscle and then you can't push through it means your tensing up, like jinntonic said.

    gl !~

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