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Thread: Question

  1. #1


    I have a cousin that said he started using steroids. I do not know much about this, but he said he was using 1cc of deca and 1.5cc of test, once a week for 10 weeks. He is trying to bulk up I know this. I went online and looked and from what I can tell he means about decca is Decadron which seems like it would be the opposite of a steroid? Or is he referring to Deca--Durabolin.
    He has not put much thought into this and is totally relying on what one guy says. Also I have read other forums where people have said they used deca and test, but they always have some other thing listed they used also (winny, or d-bolt) I do not know the lingo and I do not know if that matters.

    Is this a common steroid use/combination and cycle?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Tell your friend to come here and sign up and have a look around

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    He really should know what he's doing to his body chemistry..... It's not as simple as injecting an oil and getting bigger. There's a whole change to your body, chemically speaking, when you use steroids.

    His best bet is to get on this forum and start reading..... then ask questions. Steroids can be used safely with the proper knowledge. Without that knowledge theres no telling what kind of damage he might cause himself.


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