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Thread: The New Brit*** Drag** - GMP 2009

  1. #1

    The New Brit*** Drag** - GMP 2009

    Below is research done on BD, I hope this can be used as a Information post for any members with concerns about BD.

    BD went under in 2006, anything after that Is NOT BD. From 2007 till early 2009 They did not make anything, anyhow, for anyone, anywere. Any BD from 2007 and up are from an UGL. So if you get/have any vials with the old BD lables/look and they have Newer dates, they are from an UGL. I will post some pics of the old style and new style BD below.

    The Real BD started back up in 2008, and released a new line in late 2009.
    see pic below of the new BD

    Below are facts from the real BD website. So you might want to think twice about "pining yourself" with some UGL home brew. (I edit the Lab name so hopfuly that is good)

    26 May 2009
    Counterfeited Brit*** Drag** products
    We receive countless email inquiries whether the Brit*** Drag** Product purchased is a legitimate Brit*** Drag** product, with some people even adding pictures of the received product. Everybody should be aware that Brit*** Drag** has not manufactured any products in years and at the moment THERE ARE NONE LEGITIMATE Brit*** Drag** products available anywhere. New products were not yet made and our best estimate at the moment is September or October.

    Underground labs and Brit*** Drag** counterfeiters
    Thursday, 19 March 2009

    It is very dangerous to purchase steroids from illegal and illegitimate sources. Many so-called companies, known as underground laboratories (UGLs) are counterfeiting Brit*** Drag** products. These underground products are not made to pharmaceutical industry GMP standards nor do they use certified pharmaceutical-grade materials. In any cases, the quality of underground products depends directly upon the profit motive of the counterfeiters. They illegally buy substandard raw materials via the internet from Chinese suppliers that usually are not registered or licensed with the Chinese government as legitimate raw materials suppliers, but, rather, are just middlemen, i.e., individual Chinese nationals who buy raw materials either from legitimate suppliers or from illegal raw materials laboratories.

    The middlemen or the illegal laboratories frequently adulterate the raw materials by adding different and cheaper substances to increase the net weight of the products they are selling. As there is no quality control, the raw materials are usually of very poor quality and often contain dangerous trace materials, such as heavy metals. Middlemen and illegal laboratories have no concern nor interest in quality, only in profit. They are well aware that their customers (the counterfeiters) do not own GMP facilities nor have any way to test the quality of the raw materials they are buying. It is quite common for counterfeiters and other individuals to think they are buying expensive raw materials such as methenolone enanthate, oxandrolone, sildanifil, etc., while in reality they are receiving products with inexpensive testosterones, mesterolone, and in the case of liquids, plain oil.

    When UGLs make their products from the raw materials, it is highly unlikely that they will be made in sterile environments with water and air purification systems, or use proper sterilization equipment for the product containers. Thus, along with questionable dosages from poor materials, high levels of bacteria in injectable products is quite likely, making them potentially very dangerous to use. Even when UGLs or raw materials suppliers offer customers materials assays and lab tests, they may be falsified or created with no basis in fact. It simply is not worth risking your health or surgery (for removal of diseased tissue) by using underground products
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	testabol_depot-s.jpg 
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ID:	112419   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fake-bd-gear.jpg 
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ID:	112420  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Got any free samples Bro...

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