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Thread: 2011/12 Summer Test Enanthate Cycle Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    2011/12 Summer Test Enanthate Cycle Log

    Edit: before and after pics and measurements of the cycle are on page 12

    This is my Test e summer cycle..

    I dieted down for 8 weeks to prime for this cycle and logged it in this following thread

    This is my second cycle and the first was test prop 200mg per week 3 years ago. I held off cycling until my diet and training were optimum and i ended up gaining more naturally from good nutrition and researching different/new ways of training than i did while on test prop.

    I am at day 11 so I've been late to start a new thread for this so I'll copy and paste from the above thread about the first 11 days. If You've clicked the link above you'll see that i was going to run winny but it made me feel like crap! i had 3 shots in the first week and at day 11 am still feeling slightly crappy from it.

    Day 1
    Update: last day of week 8 was the final day of my pre cycle stage. That night I started my cycle which I decided on..

    Weeks 1-12 test enanthate 400mg (230mg pinned e4d)
    Weeks 1-14 anastrozole .25mg ed

    Pct 14 days after final pin
    Tamoxifen 40/40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/50/50/50

    Friday night decided to front load the test e. Only the first shot so put in 460mg.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	118021

    177cm/ 5'9
    10-12% bf
    24.5" quads
    43" chest
    15.25" arms
    31" waist

    Training 5 day split
    Chest and abs
    Shoulders and abs(abs sometimes done on arm day)

    Weights usually take 40-50mins and consist of 5 or 6 exercises with 4 to 6 sets. Eg. back day is 5 back exercises whereas chest and ab day would be 4 of chest and 2 ab.
    Cardio done after each weight session at 50-70% of max heart rate for 40 mins.

    Day 4
    Stared to feel flu like syptoms yesterday and i'm not sure if it was from the winny or liquidex. i have experienced similar syptoms from winny before so i will discontinue winny and liquidex for now.

    Increase morning, pre and post workout carbs by 20g each meal so my current diet looks like this.

    Protein /carbs/fat

    Meal 1 8.30 am
    100g of oats
    300g egg whites
    30g whey
    Universal animal pak
    500mg vit c

    Meal 2 10.30-11am
    200g chicken breast
    200g veggies

    Meal 3 1.30pm
    Same as meal 2

    Meal 4 4-4.30pm
    Large tin of tuna
    100g oats

    5.45 pre workout . Jacked, hemo rage etc..

    Meal 5 7-7.30pm
    45g of wpi
    64g dextrose

    Meal 6 8.30pm
    210g home made lean beef patty
    200g veggies

    Meal 7 11pm
    50g micellar casien
    4 1000mg fish oil tabs
    1 500mg calcium tab

    Total 371/208/53
    Total calories 2790

    Non lifting days I will not eat pre or pwo carbs.

    I sometimes have to work physically once a week (2nd job) usually on a Thursday and I add some carbs throughout the day whilst I am at work. The last few weeks I have loaded up 40g-50g of carbs into my first 4 meals of this day and has not effected my weight.

    Day 6
    Decided to drop the winny and basically make it a test e only cycle

    Day 6
    Took another shot of winny last night and had major dizziness and sick feeling today so I took 200mg of ibuprofen which is helping. It seems that the last 2 times I took a shot of winny I got really dizzy the next day.

    So far I have taken
    460mg of test e and 60mg of winny Friday night (right glute and left delt)
    60mg winny Sunday night (right delt) then had mayor dizziness the following day
    230mg of test e and 60mg of winny (mixed in my right quad)

    I am gonna stop the winny and see how I go with just the test . Next shot is due on sat.

    Day 8
    So it's been 3 days since my last winny shot and also my last test e shot. Due for another test e shot tomorrow and feeling better so far. I will see how I go over the weekend after having that test e shot. If I feel fine it's 100% the winny that made me feel that way.

    Amazingly I've still done all my training through this and have decided to stop taking pre workout for a while just incase it raises my bp. I'll stick to coffee pre workout . Also I've put on just over a kg in the last week. It's either the winny that did it or the front load of test e.. Or both! My muscles feel full and rock hard!

    Day 9
    Today woke up this morning with wood that won't go down lol weighed myself and came in at 78kgs so I've gained 1.5kgs in the past week. Still feeling a bit crappy but I'm feeling better than wed. Due for another shot tonight so hopefully tomorrow I wake up feeling alright meaning it was the winny that made me feel that way.

    Day 10
    weighed in at 78.5kgs. Felt really hungry yesterday so ate a bit more protein . Put on 2kgs so far and I recon alot is water as my muscles are looking fuller. Also lifted hevier this morning at training.

    Still feeling a bit crappy. It comes and goes and sometimes I'm getting hot flushes. Feels like there is pressure on my head.. I'll check my bp again tonight and make sure it's still in the right range.

    Shot my left glute last night with 230mg test .

    Day 10
    measurements were

    Waist 31"
    Arms 15.5"
    Legs 25"
    Chest 43.5"
    Calves 16.5"

    Day 11
    woke up today still feeling slight pressure on the head but the second half of yesterday I felt awesome! So I'm definitely improving weighed 79.3kg this morning!

    Yesterday I ate more again but always stick to lean proteins sources and fibrous veg.

    Day 11
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	118022

    Still haven't started the liquidex and i may hold off till the end of the week. but since i am prone to bloating and sore nipples i will definitely start it at .25mg eod.
    Last edited by boxa06; 02-13-2012 at 04:47 PM. Reason: Messed up the day numbers and added more info

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Day 12

    Feeling good! Last night felt awesome at training and smashed legs! Went up to 150kg squats with ease weighed in this morning slightly lighter than yesterday at 79kgs.

  3. #3
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Looking good brah! keep up the hard work and the results will come.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    Looking good brah! keep up the hard work and the results will come.
    Thanx brah

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Looking fit Box. Good to hear you're feeling alright. Keep chargin'.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Looking fit Box. Good to hear you're feeling alright. Keep chargin'.
    Thanx bro! Staring to feel unbelievable at training this is now basically the same cycle you'll be running

  7. #7
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    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Thanx bro! Staring to feel unbelievable at training this is now basically the same cycle you'll be running
    Shesus i'm getting amped! I'm training strongly in the gym right now totally natty so i'm looking forward to seeing some improvement.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    On the Moon
    Good luck mate,

    I will be keeping an eye on this thread so keep the info coming.

  9. #9
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Keep up the good work.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Shesus i'm getting amped! I'm training strongly in the gym right now totally natty so i'm looking forward to seeing some improvement.
    You'll train twice as hard and love it!

    Quote Originally Posted by xo3et View Post
    Good luck mate,

    I will be keeping an eye on this thread so keep the info coming.
    Thanks mate and I'm also following you're log looking good!

    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Keep up the good work.
    Thanks man I'll keep the pics and updates coming

  11. #11
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    Day 13

    Weighed in this morning at 78.9kgs. I think the early weight gain was from the winny shots I had in the first week and now I'll have to wait for the test to really kick in.

    Had an awesome shoulder session last night. I'm really smashing the weights hard with high intestsity. Hit 11 excersies last night in 45 mins.

    Should press 3 warm up and 3 sets to fail
    Upright rows 2 warm up and 3 sets to fail
    Seated lateral shoulder raises superset with standing front raises 3 sets to fail
    Bent over reverse db flys superset with standing side laterals 3 sets to fail
    Revers fly pec deck superset revers cable crossovers 3 sets to fail
    Cable behind back side laterals superset bent over reverse fly 2 sets ea arm to fail
    Bb shrugs 2 warm up then 3 sets to fail

    Rep range was mostly 8-12

    Then 40 mins cardio

  12. #12
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    Mar 2010
    Day 13

    Just finished training at had a shot went for my left quad today but instead of my 1.15cc I loaded up with 1.2cc. My last shot I loaded up I noticed I basically lost .05 of a cc after I pressed till a little oil came out so I felt cheated lol

    Dropped cardio to 30 mins as of today for 2 reasons.. Firstly I keep my heart rate at around 65-70% and in the last 10 minutes I die and it drops down to about 50% and secondly, it's making me not do my weights for long enough because I know I have 40 mins of cardio to do and I have to get home to get ready for work etc.. It was better tonight to do 50mins of weights instead of cutting it short at 40 or 45 mins.

  13. #13
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    Day 13

    Decided to start dosing liquidex at .25mg eod because on my first cycle at only 200mg per week my nipples got sore.

  14. #14
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    Day 14

    today was a rest day but worked a physical job today 7am-1pm so added carbs to meal 2 and 3. the meals were wholemeal pasta and veg with a large tin of tuna dumped on top. macros were around 40p 45c 6f.

    went to the beach after work and noticed that my nipples looked a bit puffier than usual.. hope it's just my imagination but now that i started the liquidex that should clear any bloating right up!

    Tomorrow is another rest day then the 5 day cycle starts again on sat.. cant wait!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    I'm following mate, keep up the good work.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I'm following mate, keep up the good work.
    Thanks mate

  17. #17
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    Day 15

    Woke up this morning at 79kgs. Feeling a bit tired today maybe because I spent most of yesterday in the sun/heat. Anyways today is another rest day only carb meal is meal 1.

    I think it's time to slightly increase the calories as I have been eating at maintenance for the last 11 days. I think I will start by increasing protein because me last increase way carbs and then take it from there.

    Also decided on a new 5 day split as I've been doing the previous one for about 10 weeks I think. Even though I always change excersises, rep ranges, intensity etc.. I think it'll be good to change it up! Basically not much different to my previous routine..

    Chest, abs
    Shoulders, abs

    Same as before my routine starts on a Saturday (tomorrow) through till wed. Then thurs and fri off. Gonna concentrate on my compound movements for mass!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    try to match carbs and protein gram for gram, and see how that goes. With that split you will hit tri's on shoulders, then arms then chest, might be alot on your tris? Have you tried
    Day 1) back, bi's
    Day 2)Quads, hams,
    day 3)shoulders, chest, tri's
    Day 4)calf, forearms
    Day 5)rest

    Repeat. I like this split

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    try to match carbs and protein gram for gram, and see how that goes. With that split you will hit tri's on shoulders, then arms then chest, might be alot on your tris? Have you tried
    Day 1) back, bi's
    Day 2)Quads, hams,
    day 3)shoulders, chest, tri's
    Day 4)calf, forearms
    Day 5)rest

    Repeat. I like this split
    So should I increase carbs again? Maybe increase meal 1 and my pre workout meal?

    I know what you mean and I was thinking that after arms 2 days off may not be enough if I smash my triceps because I need them fresh for chest.. I was just gonna trial it and see how it goes. Or do you think I should go with a 4 day split?

  20. #20
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    Day 16

    Weighed in at 79.3kg this morning and wasn't feeling to well. I dunno if it's the liquidex or not but I can handle it so it's not so bad. Felt awesome while training though

    I decided not to change my split to the one posted above as my tris were still a bit tender from arms 2 days ago. I decided on a 4 day split that I have successfully used before.

    Back, bi's
    Chest, tri's
    Shoulders, abs
    Then repeat..

    I will still only train 5 days a week with 2 days off so I will be hitting one of these workout twice a week but it'll will change as the weeks go on. Basically I will get 4-6 days recovery between each mucle group whick should be just enough.

    Today was back and bi's
    Did 3 sets of each till failure rep range 8-12 (not including warm up sets)

    Lat pull down
    Bent over bb rows
    Close grip chin ups
    Single db rows over bench
    Dead lifts (only 2 sets to failure)

    Bb curls
    Single alternating db curls
    Plate loaded preacher curls

    Took just under 60 mins

    Edit: also feeling less bloated today so the liquidex is doing well for me in that respect. The boys at the gym think I look bigger, leaner and veins are popping so I'm headed in the right direction I think.
    Last edited by boxa06; 11-18-2011 at 06:43 PM.

  21. #21
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    Day 17

    Weighed in at 79kg this morning.

    Last night I was starving so I've decided to up my carbs. Still feeling a slight headache and clouded head. I'm not sure if I've come down with something or it's the liquidex. I'll ride it out as it's not so bad and no where near as bad as that first week while on winny!

    Trained chest and abs this morning. Had to swap tri's and abs around as I didn't feel my tri's had completely recovered from arms. Strength was slightly up today but that could have been from eating more carbs. Labido has definitely kicked in also

    Today's workout was..
    all were 3 sets to failure, 8-15 reps and warm ups weren't included

    45 degree incline db press
    Flat smith machine bb press
    30 degree incline flys
    Wide grip dips
    Cable flys

    Cable crunchs
    Decline site ups with weight
    Hanging leg raises

    Took 55 mins

  22. #22
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    Day 17


    Meal 1 8.30 am
    116g of oats
    300g egg whites
    30g whey
    Universal animal pak
    500mg vit c

    Meal 2 10.30-11am
    200g chicken breast
    200g veggies

    Meal 3 1.30pm
    Same as meal 2

    Meal 4 4-4.30pm (pre wo)
    Large tin of tuna
    116g oats

    Meal 5 7-7.30pm (pwo)
    50g of wpi
    74g dextrose

    Meal 6 8.30pm
    210g home made lean beef or kangaroo pattys
    200g veggies

    Meal 7 11pm
    50g micellar casien
    4 1000mg fish oil tabs
    1 500mg calcium tab

    Total 377/246/55
    Total calories 2987

    On days when I train in the morning I have been adding more oats to my breakfast and some oats to my pwo shake. For example this morning I had 120g of carbs for meal 1 and 90g of carbs pwo (70g from dextrose and 20g from oats).

    Non lifting days I will not eat pre or pwo carbs.

    I sometimes have to work physically once a week (2nd job) usually on a Thursday and I add some carbs throughout the day whilst I am at work. The last few weeks I have loaded up 40g-50g of carbs into my first 4 meals of this day and has not effected my weight.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    I think you should bump your calories up some

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I think you should bump your calories up some
    Yep I agree and it's happening slowly over a 4 week period so that when the test fully kicks in I'll be around 3500 cals

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Box, when you say you arent feeling too well, what sort of symptoms are you experiencing? Still headaches?
    Last edited by Blaz Kavlic; 11-20-2011 at 02:37 AM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    Box, when you say you arent feeling too well, what sort of symptoms are you experiencing? Still headaches?
    Slight fogginess in my head but only very mild. I felt crap the first week them awesome up until I started this liquidex but then it might just be a bug or something. Dunno...

  27. #27
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    Day 17

    Took a shot in my right glute and about to take my dose of liquidex

  28. #28
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    Day 18

    Woke up this morning at 79.8kg! So far have gained 3.3kg (7lbs) with no fat gain I recon I've even dropped some fat!

    I did a bit of research about why I'm feeling fogginess in my head and slight headaches and suspect my estrogen levels are too low. I'm debating if I should completely stop the liquidex until I see sides or lower the dose.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    So should I increase carbs again? Maybe increase meal 1 and my pre workout meal?

    I know what you mean and I was thinking that after arms 2 days off may not be enough if I smash my triceps because I need them fresh for chest.. I was just gonna trial it and see how it goes. Or do you think I should go with a 4 day split?
    I'd recommend upping your carbs pretty soon and suddenly rather then steady.
    See what you think works for you, I'd personally do a 4 day split and change the exercises and style eg. drop sets then push pull supersets for stimulation rather than the split.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    I'd recommend upping your carbs pretty soon and suddenly rather then steady.
    See what you think works for you, I'd personally do a 4 day split and change the exercises and style eg. drop sets then push pull supersets for stimulation rather than the split.
    I took your advice and upped carbs yesterday and will do it again soon. Also I went with a 4 day split which was a really good idea so I'm training muscle groups more frequently.

  31. #31
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    Mar 2010
    Day 19

    Woke up this morning weighing 80.2kgs. Still feeling fatigued from possible low estrogen levels. Planning on not dosing liquidex until I get sore nipples and getting bloodwork next week to see where all my levels stand. I got my bloodwork done a couple weeks before I started this cycle as well.

    Trained legs last night
    3 sets to failure at 10-20 reps (except squats) and no warm up sets included

    Squats (8-12 reps)
    Leg press
    Leg extensions
    Single bb squat
    Laying hamstring curls
    Stiff legged dead lift
    Standing single hamstring curls
    Seated calf raises

    Took 50 mins plus my usual 30mins cardio

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 19

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	118168Click image for larger version. 

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  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 19

    Just trained shoulders and tris
    3 sets of each till failure 8-12 reps and warm ups not included

    seated arnie press
    standing behind head shoulder press
    seated side lateral raises
    standing side lateral raises
    bent over reverse flys
    reverse flys on pec deck

    french press
    rope pull down
    tricep dips to failure

    55 mins

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Ljubljana Slovenia
    A couple of good pics there mate. Another few weeks should see some quality gains. Keep it up!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    A couple of good pics there mate. Another few weeks should see some quality gains. Keep it up!
    thanks bro! i can't wait until it kicks in hard

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    good work so far. lookin good in those pics

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    good work so far. lookin good in those pics
    Thanks man

  38. #38
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    Day 20

    Woke up weighing 79.8kg. Decided last night to drop the liquidex completely and only take it if I see significant estrogen side effects.

    Also realized last night my 4 day split is not in the best order. So my plan is to do a fu body workout tonight with abs plus cardio, then take my 2 rest days and resume Saturday with this order..

    Back, bi's
    Shoulders, abs

    Also this Saturday when I start my training cycle I will up my calories again

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 21

    woke up weighing 80.5kg! ended up having a rest day yesterday so i trained this afternoon as i finished work early worked out well because i felt very tired yesterday and think i needed a day off. so today i planned to do full body but ended up doing back and abs with a mate but thats fine as i wont hit back or abs until next mon and tues which is 4 and 5 days time. we did the following workout..

    wide grip chin ups 11 sets
    3 with body weight, 4 with weights then another 3 with body weight to smash it
    dead lifts
    2 warm up sets then 2 sets with moderate weight and 3 sets heavy
    30 mins

    abs was 3 sets of each...
    decline crunches with weight
    leg raises on decline bench
    cable crunches
    hanging leg raises
    ab machine crunches
    leg raises with back support
    decline crunches
    flat bench leg raises
    30 mins

    total was 60 mins plus 30 mins cardio

    took a shot in the left glute after training

    starting to feel better from stopping the liquidex. also i noticed that my labido has been down since the weekend which i think is because me estrogen was pushed to low because of the liquidex.
    Last edited by boxa06; 11-24-2011 at 02:41 AM.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Day 22

    Woke up this morning weighing 80.2kg. Yesterday I ate 330 carb and 420 protein plus fats which put me around 3600cals as I physically worked half a day then trained. Can't believe I woke up lighter!

    So gonna add more calories to my diet from today and also my brand of oats changed their product so macros are gonna be slightly different.

    Protein /carbs/fat

    Meal 1 8.30 am
    130g of oats
    300g egg whites
    30g whey
    Universal animal pak
    500mg vit c

    Meal 2 10.30-11am
    200g chicken breast
    210g veggies

    Meal 3 1.30pm
    Same as meal 2

    Meal 4 4-4.30pm (pre wo)
    Large tin of tuna
    130g oats

    Meal 5 7-7.30pm (pwo)
    50g of wpi
    74g dextrose

    Meal 6 8.30pm
    210g home made lean beef or kangaroo pattys
    200g veggies

    Meal 7 11pm
    50g micellar casien
    4 1000mg fish oil tabs
    1 500mg calcium tab

    Total 391/256/61
    Total calories 3137

    On days when I train in the morning I have been adding more oats to my breakfast and some oats to my pwo shake. For example this morning I had 120g of carbs for meal 1 and 90g of carbs pwo (70g from dextrose and 20g from oats).

    Non lifting days I will not eat pre or pwo carbs.

    I sometimes have to work physically once a week (2nd job) usually on a Thursday and I add some carbs throughout the day whilst I am at work. The last few weeks I have loaded up 40g-50g of carbs into my first 4 meals of this day and has not effected my weight.

    Protein from veggies are not counted but carbs from veggies are.

    Macros from my oats changed from c61 p10 f8 to c55 p13 f10 per 100g.
    Last edited by boxa06; 11-26-2011 at 07:00 PM.

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