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Thread: 30 year old been out of the gym for awhile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    30 year old been out of the gym for awhile

    Ok i've just recently signed up at a local gym to try and get back in shape, and i've never used steroids before, but i've purchased some to help me put on some muscle mass i'm currently 175lbs and 5'7", i'm gonna take a 12 week cycle of trying to bulk up then start cutting in the spring, any tips on what to eat to help me build good clean muscle while i'm training my goal is to add 20lbs in the 12 weeks

  2. #2
    Can you please giving us your bodyfat%. This site has a whole nutrition section. I suggest you post your diet there and have it critiqued.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i have no idea what my bodyfat % is, but i'm definately out of shape, the only real workout i've gotten over the last 5 or 6 years is playing softball, and my diet right now is junk, i know i need to take in alot of protein, just curious for some advice on what to eat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    ok i found the diet section and did some reading so i have a good idea on how to set up a good diet around my work schedule, and can someone tell me a good way to find out my bodyfat %, i would greatly appreciate it

  5. #5
    Go to the member pic section... Look at all the pics , see whom you look close to in terms of your body fat, that should give you an idea ... Or of you want post your pic ...

    5'7" 175 and really out of shape?

    Well ,,, my honest suggestion ,,, get diet in check... Since your recently got back to the gym , I say you give yourself few weeks to couple months before u do a cycle .., till then , your can also research , learn more about the stuff, decrease some body fat and get a nice lifting routine ...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Get some research done in the steroid and diet forums and get at least a couple of months of weight and cardio training done so that you are at least half in shape before you start. I would suggest that If you're inpatient, you'll be surprised how much your strength improves rapidly over these first couple of months without cycling. It will put you in a much better position to cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    thanks for the input guys, i haven't started my cycle yet, so i will hold off a few weeks or a month and start then

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    No worries. You'll be surprised how quick the time flies by

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Ok I'm gonna start my cycle on jan1 and I have t4 right now and I'm looking to stack it with something for my first cycle, I
    Leaning towards deca but a guy I lift with suggested tren and anadrol tabs with it, I would like to hear some opinions on what you guys think will work best I'm 5'7" 175lbs and 22%bf right now and I really want to put on 20 lbs in my first cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you need to diet down first and get the bf% below 15%
    dont get fixed on a number like 20lbs. Your not going to put on 20lbs of muscle.
    Read the stickies and educational thread about first cycles.
    deca, tren or anadrol should not be used in a first cycle.

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