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Thread: After advice for a cycle

  1. #1

    After advice for a cycle

    Hi, I'm after some advice for my next cycle

    Weight: 75kg (165lbs)
    Height: 6 foot
    Diet: 6 meals a day blah blah all good there, 3 shakes healthy snaks etc.
    Experience: 3 years solid working out.
    Previous cycles: test and dbol last year.

    I'm looking for my next cycle, after deciding on deca and test, I've been told by friends that I'd need to buy a shitload of it or it won't work and it's pointless unless I get like 20ml of each...

    I then was told I'm better off doing tren enanthate alone for 10 weeks at ml a week which is much cheaper and easier! Or would just one bottle of deca and a bottle of test be fine for second cycle?

    What do people think I should do and what would work better?
    I don't need anyone saying just eat well and train hard because I do all that, I need that bit extra kick and I want to get jacked hard now, sick of ****ing around

  2. #2
    6 ft. tall and 165, with a cycle under your belt. Yikes. If you were eating 6 meals a day, 3 shakes, and snacks your weight would be higher.

    That being said- Tren only is a terrible idea. It will leave your body without any testosterone.

  3. #3
    Your telling me, I eat more than all my mates that are alot bigger! Just can't seem to put it on.
    Always been a smaller build but I've got some progress under my belt, hell I started the gym at about 60kgs

    Do you think once a week shot of 1ml test and deca will be a good mass gainer?

  4. #4
    Your telling me, I eat more than all my mates that are alot bigger! Just can't seem to put it on.
    Always been a smaller build but I've got some progress under my belt, hell I started the gym at about 60kgs

    Do you think once a week shot of 1ml test and deca will be a good mass gainer?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino33 View Post
    Hi, I'm after some advice for my next cycle. I'm looking for my next cycle, after deciding on deca and test, I've been told by friends that I'd need to buy a shitload of it or it won't work and it's pointless unless I get like 20ml of each...I then was told I'm better off doing tren enanthate alone for 10 weeks at ml a week which is much cheaper and easier! Or would just one bottle of deca and a bottle of test be fine for second cycle?
    Whoever told you that you're better off doing tren alone for 10 weeks is giving you some bad advice. Do yourself a big favor and read over the steroid profiles on this site. As xelnaga pointed out, if you do tren you need to stack it with test, but tren also has some very nasty side affects. I'm currently stacking Anadrol with deca and test. I considered using tren but shied away from it, if that tells you anything (granted that I hopefully know what I'm talking about). A test and deca stack is indeed a great cycle, and "a shitload/20ml" is very subjective (how many mg per ml is that supposed to be?) and based on the advice you received regarding tren, it probably came from someone who just doesn't know what they're talking about. For a 2nd cycle, I'd say that 400mg of deca a week and 600mg of test a week would serve you well, given your current height and weight. How old are you by the way?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Take the money you are going to buy steroids with and go buy more food.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    Take the money you are going to buy steroids with and go buy more food.
    What's with all the pointless posts? Did you forget that you are posting on

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    St. Paul, MN
    Tren alone is a really bad idea. It is a good way to make your dick stop working. Now test prop and tren a is my favorite cycle. No offense man but 6' 165 is really small especially considering you have run a cycle. You should go to the nutrition and diet forum and have these guys critique your diet. Be specific with exactly what you eat and when and list the amount of carbs, protein and fats for each meal. If you have that tough of a time gaining weight you should be eating like 5000 calories a day.

    What is your bf%?

    How old are you?

    You said you are eating 6 meals and three many calories are you consuming every day? How many grams of protein?

    I would suggest leaning more towards a bulking cycle like test e, deca and dbol to kick start it. If you have never run tren before you should not start with tren e because of the high potential for nasty side effects.

    The dosages brian suggested would be good and maybe just add 25-30mg of dbol for the first 4 weeks.

    If you are going to run tren make sure you run test with it and run tren a not tren e. I just started a 9-10 week cycle where I will be running 60-70mg of prop ed and 50mg of tren a ed. I love this cycle and have had awesome results with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    St. Paul, MN
    One more thing one bottle of test and one bottle of deca would not be fine. The test is probably dosed at 250mg/ml so you will need 3 bottles. The deca is probably between 200-300mg/ml so you will need 2-3 bottles of that as well. If you are going to run test e and deca(two long esthered steroids) you should run it for at least 12 weeks because it will take 4 weeks for the stuff to even kick in. For you test e and deca seems like a much better option than test prop and tren a. That is just my opinion but I would recommend not running tren e until you have run tren a and know how your body will react to it.

    A few more things too. Will you be running a ai like adex or aromasin? Cause you should... What will be your plan for pct? All of this should be figured out before you start

  10. #10
    Im 21.

    So you guys think 200mg deca and 200mg test a week wouldn't be enough to make good gains?
    For a second cycle around here it seems 1ml a week (200ml) of each would be very sufficient... Just don't wanna over do it! Or spend too much money lol. Would rather spend the extra money to get alot of protein and supplements on top and some good food!

  11. #11
    And would run clomid and/or nolva after and possibly adex while on...

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    St. Paul, MN
    If you can't afford it than dont take steroids and spend that money on food. 200mg of test and 200mg of deca is not enough. If you were going to go really cheap just do test.

    You are way too young to take steroids. Read some of the posts made about the young and steroids. There is a good one that a guy started last night. I suggest you chekc it out. Wait until you are 25

  13. #13
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    Dec 2011
    Forget the word "possibly" about running an aromatase inhibitor during a cycle. You absolutely need to do this. As for the amounts, if you've already used AAS's, 200mg of test will prove to be a bit of a joke. Actually, it would prove to be a bit of a joke for a first-time user.

  14. #14
    No worries thanks for the advice.

    By the time I'm 25 however i probably won't care about my body image as much, so much pressure on the young these days!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino33 View Post
    No worries thanks for the advice.

    By the time I'm 25 however i probably won't care about my body image as much, so much pressure on the young these days!
    Maybe you should forget about bodybuilding and work on your stand-up comedy routines

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    St. Paul, MN
    What is your bf%? How many calories and grams of protein do you consume every day?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian

    What's with all the pointless posts? Did you forget that you are posting on
    Pointless? He's 6 ft tall and weighs 165lbs and has done past cycles. He's clearly not eating enough and does not need to be using steroids. Seriously?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Forget the word "possibly" about running an aromatase inhibitor during a cycle. You absolutely need to do this. As for the amounts, if you've already used AAS's, 200mg of test will prove to be a bit of a joke. Actually, it would prove to be a bit of a joke for a first-time user.
    My first cycle was 200mg cyp every 5 days and i made great gains.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    before you even start planning your next cycle you need to goto the nutrition section. You maybe eating 6 meals but they may not be the right meals for you.
    If your 6ft and 165 and cant gain weight you have a diet issue.
    If you take steroids now you wont gain what you should because of your diet and you wont keep most if it either.

    And at 21 you really shouldnt be cycling at all
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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