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Thread: First cycle research/opinions

  1. #1

    First cycle research/opinions

    Hey guys. I am a natural male lifter, I lift 4 days per week and go swimming 1 day per week. I am 21 years old, 6'1", 211 pounds as of Saturday with around 15-16% bodyfat (pics can be posted if needed). I have been training seriously for around 2 years now. I am currently in University and I have 6 classes and 3 labs this semester (over a full load) so time is pretty pressed. I still get to the gym and train like an animal for 5 days a week regardless. My nutrition is on par, I am carb-cycling right now with 5 days at a low carb of ~120g/day and 1 medium day ~200g and 1 carb-up day ~350g with my protein at ~240g/day and fat around ~110g/day. I eat healthy on every day except carb-up where if I need something to cheat I will use it up on that day. Currently cutting, last year I got to 190 around 12% and this time I want to get to 190 with under 10% BF. I was thinking of just a 80mg/day for 6 weeks anavar cycle. I don't want to get huge I just want the fat to come off and the muscle to stay on with maybe like 3-4 pounds gained of muscle. If I were to go through with this, I realize I am too young and will accept other options, what kind of PCT am I looking at? Any help is very much appreciated!!!


  2. #2
    Your goals can safely be achieved naturally with a tweak in diet & training. Have you done any research on the Endocrine & HPTA systems?

  3. #3
    I will be honest and say I haven't done a terrible amount on the HPTA. I have read that Anavar is a very mildly suppressing oral steriod and that is why I chose it

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by tru3demon View Post
    I will be honest and say I haven't done a terrible amount on the HPTA. I have read that Anavar is a very mildly suppressing oral steriod and that is why I chose it
    As mild as Var may be, it will still shut you down. ............................
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-29-2012 at 06:47 PM.

  5. #5
    Thanks Bear! Could you state a few compounds that would be benefitial to run with Var or as a PCT for this issue?


  6. #6
    Sorry bro, no compound exists that will save an undeveloped Endo. & HPTA from potentially permanent damage. The best thing you can do is wait until you're 25. Like I said, your goals are easily achievable naturally with a few adjustments to your routine. Would you like some help putting together a diet & training regime focused around your goals?

  7. #7
    That would mean more to me than anything! I would absolutely love diet advice


  8. #8
    OK, lets start with your current diet & go from there. Post what you eat, include times of each meal, as well as cals proteins, carbs, & fats for each meal.

  9. #9
    Breakfast: 7:15 a.m.

    3 extra large whole eggs
    1 packet of Quaker Instant Regular (no salt or sugar)
    Shredded light cheddar cheese
    2 Tbsp Ketchup
    2 cups Skim Milk

    Totals: 650 Calories
    48g Protein
    56g Carbohydrates
    25g Fat

    1st Snack: 10:00 a.m.
    1 scoop Gaspari Myofusion
    1 Kashi Bar - 7 whole grains + almonds

    Total: 300 Calories
    32g Protein
    24g Carbs
    8g Fat

    Lunch: 12:15 a.m.
    200g (After cooking) Extra Lean (93%) Ground Beef
    Shredded Light Cheddar Cheese
    1/2 cup (after cooking) Quinoa
    Total: 550 Calories
    52g of Protein
    20g Carbs
    31g Fat

    Train: 2:30-4
    Pre-workout - MusclePharm Assault (3/4 scoop)
    During workout - Allmax Nutrition AminoCore (1 scoop)
    Post-workout - Gaspari Myofusion (2 scoops)
    Total: 350 calories
    55g protein
    12g carbs
    6g fat

    Supper: 6:30 p.m.
    8 oz Chicken Breast
    1 cup Brocolli steamed
    1/2 cup quinoa

    Totals: 400 calories
    55g Protein
    20g Carbs
    12g Fat

    Bedtime: 11:30 p.m.
    1 scoop myofusion

    Total: 150 calories
    25g Protein
    5g carbs
    3g fat

    Daily Totals: 2400 Calories
    267g Protein
    137g Carbohydrates
    85g Fats

    I can upload my training as well if needed. Also pics

  10. #10
    Breakfast: 7:15 a.m.

    3 extra large whole eggs
    1 packet of Quaker Instant Regular (no salt or sugar)
    Shredded light cheddar cheese
    2 Tbsp Ketchup
    2 cups Skim Milk

    Totals: 650 Calories
    48g Protein
    56g Carbohydrates
    25g Fat

    1st Snack: 10:00 a.m.
    1 scoop Gaspari Myofusion
    1 Kashi Bar - 7 whole grains + almonds

    Total: 300 Calories
    32g Protein
    24g Carbs
    8g Fat

    Lunch: 12:15 a.m.
    200g (After cooking) Extra Lean (93%) Ground Beef
    Shredded Light Cheddar Cheese
    1/2 cup (after cooking) Quinoa
    Total: 550 Calories
    52g of Protein
    20g Carbs
    31g Fat

    Train: 2:30-4
    Pre-workout - MusclePharm Assault (3/4 scoop)
    During workout - Allmax Nutrition AminoCore (1 scoop)
    Post-workout - Gaspari Myofusion (2 scoops)
    Total: 350 calories
    55g protein
    12g carbs
    6g fat

    Supper: 6:30 p.m.
    8 oz Chicken Breast
    1 cup Brocolli steamed
    1/2 cup quinoa

    Totals: 400 calories
    55g Protein
    20g Carbs
    12g Fat

    Bedtime: 11:30 p.m.
    1 scoop myofusion

    Total: 150 calories
    25g Protein
    5g carbs
    3g fat

    Daily Totals: 2400 Calories
    267g Protein
    137g Carbohydrates
    85g Fats

    I can upload my training as well if needed. Also pics

  11. #11
    oops double post! my bad!


  12. #12
    Well bro, if your goal is to cut, I say you're on track IMO. That's a pretty good looking diet, the only thing I would change is the cheese, get rid of it, & maybe the Kashi bars, (trade for a can of tuna or something) there's quite a bit of sugar in those thing aren't there?. What does your training routine consist of?

  13. #13
    Thanks man. I chose the least sugar Kashi bar at 5g/par and I figured that isn't diet-ruining. I will toss the cheese!

    Monday: Back and Biceps
    10 min bike for warm-up and cardio
    Lat Pulldowns 3X12
    Deadlifts 4X8
    EZ Bar 21's 3 sets
    Seated Cable Row 4X10
    Incline Dumbell curls 4X10
    Hammer Strength Row 3X12
    Alternating Bicep Holds 1 set to failure
    5 30sec sprints

    Tuesday: Chest and Triceps and Abs
    15 min bike for cardio
    Incline DB press 4X10
    Hammer Strength incline Press 3X12
    Straight Bar cable pressdown 4X12
    Dips 4X8
    Pec Dec 4X12

    Wednesday : OFF

    Thursday: Shoulders and Abs
    15 min bike
    Standing Barbell Shoulder Press 4X12,10,8,8
    EZ bar upright row 4X10
    DB Front Raise 3X10
    DB Side Lateral 4X10
    Smith Machine Shoulder Press 3X12

    Friday: Legs
    10 min bike
    45 degree leg press 5X12
    Hack Squat 4X12
    Leg Extensions 3X15
    Standing Leg Curls 3X15
    Calf Raises 3X15
    5 30sec sprints

    Saturday: OFF

    Sunday: 1 hour and 15 min of swimming (lane swimming)

    Any pointers or critiques will be appreciated!


  14. #14
    This routine looks pretty good for your goals. I would do the cardio after the workout, you can warm up by doing a couple warm up sets (rapidly lift lighter weights while maintaining correct form just to get the blood flowing & stretch the tissue a bit 20 - 30 reps. Example: if you can bench 200 lbs. 10 reps, then you can warm up with about 120 - 135) If you want to be more effective at building muscle, you may consider giving your body more rest / recovery time, in other words, train every other day instead of 2 on 1 off. If burning fat is the goal, you should up your cardio sessions to at least 30 min if not 45, that's where you're gona drop body fat.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-30-2012 at 05:30 AM.

  15. #15
    Thanks for the input Bear! I know I need to up the cardio but it sucks so bad lol. I will push myself harder and start doing maybe 10 min warm up bike and then 30 min post workout cardio. Then it is a nice distrobution. So one question about the HPTA, even with proper PCT with Nolva and Clomid and hCG, the HPTA will still be affected negatively and irreversably?

  16. #16
    Yes, you HPTA will still shut down & possibly not recover. There are no products that protect your HPTA, if there were, we wouldn't try to stop people under 25 from cycling, we would just make sure they use "the magic anti damage HPTA compound" in conjunction with the cycle. Just be patient, & stay dedicated, you'll get there. Good luck bro. Keep us posted.

  17. #17
    Thanks Bear! You have been a lot of help. And helped me understand that waiting is more important in the long run. Even though the temptation is brutal with all my high school friends doing test/D-bol cycles lol. I will try to deny and stay natural for as long as I can. I will keep everyone updated on my cut. Weighed in today at 210.1 lbs. Down 2 lbs from last week so I'm right on track. 190 here I come!

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